It is a fresh start for October posting. I have read an article about "The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle" written by Sandrine Ceustemont. Anyone who likes to travel or simply favours movies like Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones will surely want to read this article. It says that hundreds of ships and planes have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle. Where is this Bermuda Triangle? It is a strech of water in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Bermuda and Puero Rico. I think that the mystery had led to the nickname of Bermuda Triangle by a magazine in 1964. In my point of view, maybe there is a geographical factor that causes the magnetic compass and other instruments in ships and plans to malfunction. So, make sure you plan yor way in to go straight ahead without any turns before you enter the Bermuda Triangle. This article can be obtained at:
‘Are There Really Black Roses?’ is an article which I found on the web page:, written by Ken Austin. There are three types of ‘black roses’ mentioned by the author, namely Black Magic, Black Baccara and Black Beauty. Even though the term ‘black roses’ is commonly used by most people, the real part is that this type of rose does not exists. As a whole, I find this article very interesting and it has actually solved my problem in believing the existence of ‘black roses’. Thanks to the author.
Hi,everybody after we have 1 week holidays we gather back.During this festival we have heard many accidents had occurred and we heard many sad story.Road accidents is just a phenomena which might happen to anybody maybe for you also, therefore if this happen to us what should do? This blog provide some guidelines when we involved in accidents This blog explain how we must be when we involved in accidents step by step this will help us lots, for an example how we should be at accident area. 1. Be calm and do not panic. Neither should you take the law into your hands. 2. Take down the particulars of the vehicles involved in the accident: a. registration numbers b. make of the vehilce (year and model) c. colour 3. Next, take down the particulars of the drive/ passengers/witnesses: a. Name b. Address c. Identity card number d. Driving licence number e. Telephone number (work and home) 4. If you have a camera with you, take some photographs of the accident site as well as the vehicles involved. Remember to keep the negatives in a safe place as photographs without their negatives may not be admissible as evidence in court. This step is important because if we don’t follow this steps we might be cheated by other parties and may be the statements can be manipulated. So follow this steps when involve in accidents.
Hi,Good day, Today I want to share something which is important to everybody of us that is about water.Water is important elements in our daily life without water we can’t perform important process such as cooking,construction,even in our body function, and today I want to share how the water effect on human civilization. Civilization has historically flourished around rivers and major waterways; Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of civilization, was situated between the major rivers Tigris and Euphrates; the ancient society of the Egyptians depended entirely upon the Nile. Large metropolises like Rotterdam, London, Montreal, Paris, New York City, Shanghai, Tokyo, Chicago, and Hong Kong owe their success in part to their easy accessibility via water and the resultant expansion of trade. Islands with safe water ports, like Singapore, have flourished for the same reason. In places such as North Africa and the Middle East, where water is more scarce, access to clean drinking water was and is a major factor in human development. The statements have shown to us that water played important roles from ancients time until now. For more information please log on Thank You SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Today i want to share with you all about the volcano.One hundred and twenty-five years ago,the biggest bang the inhabited world has ever known occurred.Indonesia's Krakatoa volcano erupted.It did so with the force of 13,000 Hiroshima atom bombs,propelled a trillion cubic feet of rock,pumice and ash into air and made a noise loud enough to be heard 1,930 miles away in Perth,Australia.The explosions,fallout and resulting tidal wave (130 ft high in places).This tragedy killed 36,417 people in Java and Sumatra,destroyed 165 villages and towns and two-thirds of the island.Wind streams blew the fine ash as far away New York,sea levels were raised in the English Channel and over the following year,global temperatures were reduced by 1.2C.For more information log on
Do you know the most poisonous(toxic) frog in the world?.The answer is The Golden poison dart frog.This animal measure around 47mm and one of the largest frogs of the Dendrobatidae family.The adults of this frog species are uniformly golden or pale metallic green in colour.It is one of the 3 species of poison dart frogs which are definitely known to be used for dart poisoning by the Embera Indians of Colombia.One frog may contain up to 1900 micrograms of toxins.These frogs should be considered as potentially dangerous to human if improperly handled even a small fraction of the poison from one of the frogs would be lethal to man if gotten into the bloodstream through an open wound.The skin secretions are also irritating to porous skin and poisonous if ingested.In their reproduction behaviour the golden poison dart frogs are similar to other poison dart frogs.The female lays her eggs on the ground.After the eggs get fertilized the male and the female will both look after them until they hatch.If you all want more information about this unique creature just log on
Assalamualaikum…….. I just read an article about the tips on how to control your urge to smoke. Well, trying to quit smoking is a very lengthy process. Being prepared for the urge to smoke will ensure that you can continue on your path to quit smoking successfully. Smoker should know that smoking is not a good habit and can affect their healthy. My father was also a smoker, but now he is not a smoker anymore after he realized the effect of smoking to his body. In this article, there are 7 tips on how to control your urge to smoke. You can read this article in Siti Halijah Azmi PB08014
I just read an article about the sun. Such you all know, sun is very important and we very need sun to life. The sun is a population or heavy element-rich. The formation of the sun may have been triggered by shockwaves from one or more nearbysupernovae. Sunlight is Earth's primary source of energy. This energy can be harnessed via a variety of natural and synthetic processes—photosynthesis by plants captures the energy of sunlight and converts it to chemical form (oxygen and reduced carbon compounds), while direct heating or electrical conversion by solar cells are used by solar power equipment to generate electricity or to do other useful work. The energy stored in petroleum and other fossil fuels was originally converted from sunlight by photosynthesis in the distant past. This article give more information about sun. So if you all want to know more about sun, can search
I have read an article about how to boast self confidence.According this article there are a lot of tips to boast our level self-confidence for an individual to achieve our dreams.The first thing to do when we wants to boost self-confidence is determine one's goals and aspiration in life.We must categorized into degree of achievement.To achieve our goal of boosting self confidence we must seek out the help of friends and relatives who can motivate,encourage and inspire us.Second is find out our true personality.We need to determine one's our strengths and weaknesses then identify ways and means of overcoming weaknesses then further strengthening.But then,in moments of failure the best thing to do is not give up but to rest for a while and back track a little to re-assess everything.Third is find out faults and errors in what we has done,then consider doing corrective actions to re-direct our paths towards our goals.Besides that this article also mention that the key to achieving self-confidence lies on an individual's capability to undermine our strengths and inherent to it.Sooner or later we would not have to fake having the confidence on knowing something because in actuality we really does know something about it.And the moment we knows something we will gains self-confidence about it.The lack of self-confidence is personal problem and its solution start from our self.For further information of this just log on
I just read an article entitled “Simple & Easy Money Saving Tips For Frugal Living” written by Christian. Everybody knows that money is very important in our live especially for the student. As a student we should spend the money wisely. This article provide the tips on how to save and spend the money. If you want to know these tips you can read this article in
I just read an article entitled “ 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It “ which is Written by I do not think that most of the people can wake up early in the morning include me. I know that it is not easy to become an early riser. In my opinion, sleep early in the night can help to wake up early in the morning and that is the most important point here. If all of you want to become an early riser you can visit this article in
How you want to raise your GPA in your semester? As everybody know that the final exam is coming around. This article which is in provides 7 strategies to raise your GPA in your article. These can be your guideline on how you study. In my opinion, the more important is we should study continuosly as your earlier preparation. So, I hope that all my friends will pass the examination with flying colours.
assalamualaikum, & good morning for all blogger...
i just read an article "Body's Fuel" The main FUEL in our body is Carbohydrate which is stored in muscle and liver in the form of glycogen. If we eat before exercise, automatically we’ll have the extra oomph we need for an energetic and effective workout. The reason is, Carbohydrates will enters our bloodstream in the form of glucose before tucked in muscles and liver. If we have a fair amount of stored glycogen, our body will use the glucose as body’s source energy and spare the glycogen. It’s mean that we have two sources of fuels for body and we can last a lot longer. Something else we should know is that the muscles and liver can store so much glycogen. It’s important to limit our food each day. During night’s sleep, our body depletes as much as 80 percent of the glycogen stored in the liver. Eating before morning’s exercise will not only help depleting our glycogen level, it will also help settle the gastric juices that make our stomach growl and fatigue that can make it difficult to perform well.THANKS...:):):)
Hello everyone,last week I had read a magazine about "Mobile Phone" and it's contain an information of the latest mobile phone in this communication world.
There are a lot of sophisticated and unique design of mobile phone that produced by the biggest company such as Nokia,Motorolla,Sony Ericsson,LG(Life Good) and many more.All these company fight in business way to interact and influence people out there by produced great phone with a lot of function like camera,music,picture and others.
In that case, nowadays peoples are easily to make a choice to buy a mobile phone without any problem because mobile phone is a one way to communicate with someone else.From me, don't waste your money to buy an exclusive phone....Thank you.
From the article ‘Saving Butterflies’ which I found on the internet, I understand that the Monarch butterfly is facing a great danger of extinction since their number is depleting at an alarming rate when they migrate from Mexico throughout the U.S. each year. In my opinion, the article is extremely informative as it informs readers about the problem butterflies are facing and also how to help reduce the decreasing number of these butterflies. So, why not save butterflies by preserving the flora and their natural habitat? This article can be referred on the web page:
‘Climate Change to Devastate or Destroy Many Penguin Colonies’ is a news article which I found on the internet. This article warns about global warming by just increasing another 2 ºC will wipe out the entire penguin colonies on the Antarctica. Penguins are such adorable mammals and their natural habitat must be preserved from time to time. The purpose of posting such articles on the internet is one of the most effective ways to inform the readers. Society should therefore stop burning their domestic stuff openly as it will worsen the condition. Further information on this article can be obtained on the web page:
Good morning to everyone, this is my first post for this Oktober. The article i read entitled "Great Advice on Dating" by Ethan Cole. From the article, i found out that we can get advice on dating from anywhere. We can get advice on dating from trustworthy friend or close friend because we have confident in them that they wont betray you. Besides that, there are a lot of online dating sites that give dating advice but it depends on the problems a person facing. Example like forum where people share their advice and opinion together. To find out more. kindly log on
Hi,have a good day, Today I have read about TITANIC.Many of us already know about it and I want to share something that was hotly debated for a number of years,that is tragic sinking of Titanic,by the comments and reports from survivors the ship broke into two sections,this become questions for the people as well as scientists and researchers the question was question was exactly what had occurred to sink the 'unsinkable' Titanic. While there was no doubt regarding the collision with a gigantic iceberg, many wondered how even such an impact could have caused enough damage to result in the rapid sinking of the huge ocean liner. And recently the researchers have found the answer and proven the report of survivors that was the ship had not sustained one long gash upon impact with the iceberg, as many people has insisted upon for years. Instead, it was much more likely that the ship had sustained several, much smaller, wounds when the iceberg scraped the hull of the ship. Theories now indicate that the rivets intended to hold the hull plates together were unable to withstand the impact and popped upon contact. As a result, the plates buckled and separated. The ship immediately began to take on water and less than three hours later, sank to it final destination on the ocean floor.
The World Wide Web grows at a speed much faster than other’s developments. We can see it everyday being update till we can’t win in this ‘match’. We can find a millions of machine-compiled pages by visiting a SEARCH ENGINE. These engines continuously traverse links on The World Wide Web, adding new documents and deleting those that have been taken offline. There are some steps on searching through millions of web pages.
visit a search engine such Google ( Conduct the search by typing a keyword and click the GOOGLE SEARCH the result is viewed and you can choose which is matching with you want Conduct an advanced search by clicking the ‘advanced search’ at Google’s homepage Type a specific phrase/keyword in the exact phrase box to find the specific phrase and then click the GOOGLE SEARCH button
i juz read about "how to learn english". the problem in malaysia now is many people can't speak english and tis problem to couse people get job.this is eleven tips for learn english.
a)Speak without Fear b)Use all of your Resources c)Surround Yourself with English d)Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible E)Watch English Films and Television F)Listen to English Music G)Study As Often As Possible! H)Do Exercises and Take Tests I)Record Yourself J)Listen to English
assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera to miss marziah and my friends.
Today i read about tsunami.A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can be devastating due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved.
A tsunami has a much smaller amplitude (wave height) offshore, and a very long wavelength (often hundreds of kilometers long), which is why they generally pass unnoticed at sea, forming only a slight swell usually about 300 mm above the normal sea surface. A tsunami can occur at any state of the tide and even at low tide will still inundate coastal areas if the incoming waves surge high enough.
That all for today,see you later.This informative article can be found at:
Today i want share with you all about air pollution..Air pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the environment. Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories. Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone - one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.
Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone..yesterday i have read some article about 'comet'.comet is one of the mystery object from space.comet is the small Solar System body that orbits to the sun,exhibits a visible coma(atmosphere) or a tail.both primarily from the effects of solar radiation upon the comet's nucleus and are composed of rock, dust, water ice, and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.there are many type of comet.for example 'comet Hale-Bopp.comet.helley's the one of famous in the world.Halley's comet is the source of the Orionid shower in October.ok thats all for my comment.thank you.
The article that I read in is about the environmental issues. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in environmental issues. In my opnion, we cannot do anything if people in this world still with their behavior, selfish. As people, we often forged ahead without thinking about what it would do to our planet, and now is the time to make changes before any other problems can come up. There are so many things that we can do to safe our earth but then it is depend on your own.
Ever faced problems relating in trying to change the behaviour of children which are less than 12 years of age? This problem can be explained from the article ‘Learning from Mistakes Only Works after 12, Study Suggests’. According to researchers, 8-year-old children learn things differently compared to 12-year-old children and adults. From my past experience, it was difficult for me to understand why kids are hard to teach especially when trying to teach them from wrong to right. After reading this article, I can now understand how brain works towards different situation at a different age level. This informative article can be referred on the web page:
Isn’t it nice to have both cat and dog living under one roof peacefully? According to the article ‘Dogs and Cats Can Live in Perfect Harmony in The Home, If Introduced the Right Way’ which I found on the web page has given me an idea of keeping both species without the needs of separating them. This useful information posted on this web page is extremely helpful as it provides information for dogs and cats lovers on how to rare their pets in the same place. As to myself, I’m thinking the same thing too because I really love dogs and cats. I hope that someday I can keep these two species living happily in my house.
For me,happiness is very important.It such a wonderful thing in our life.This because,i believe that when we happy the other people will feel happy too.For me,happiness means appreciate your life and make it to be more interesting and enjoyable. At this blog,i want to share this topic with you all..
Happiness is an emotion associated with feeling ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy.A variety of philosophical,religious,phsychologycal,and biological approaches have been taken to defining happiness and identifying its sources.
Philosopher and religious thinkers have often defined happiness in terms living in a good life,flourishing rather than simply as an emotion.Happiness in this older sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is this still used in ethic virtue.In eveyday speech today, however, terms such as well being or quality of life are used signify the classical meaning and happiness is reserved for the felt experience or experiences that philosophers historically called pleasure.
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to Miss Marziah and all my friend.. I read just article about drug. A drug, broadly speaking, is any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. Drugs are usually distinguished from endogenous biochemicals by being introduced from outside the organism. For example, insulin is a hormone that is synthesized in the body, it is called a hormone when it is synthesized by the pancreas inside the body, but if it is introduced into the body from outside, it is called a drug.
How to win your audience’s attention? Here, there are so many presentation tips which I found this article in Winning the audience’s attention is certainly a big challenge to a public speaker or a presenter regardless of how big or small his audience is and regardless of his or her experience as a public speaker. With this guide, I hope that all of you can be a good presenter.
Today i want to share a Japanese concept about our blood.The Japanese embraced the idea of matching personality traits with one's blood type.This phenomenon is as popular in Japan.The idea began when some in the west were touting the idea that the asian peoples were more closely related to animals then human or lower on the evolutionary chain,since type B was the predominant blood.Here the idea of personality traits being influenced by blood type remains:
Type O: People who in this category are outgoing and very social.They are initiators,although they don't finish what they start.Creative and popular,they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.
Type A: While outwardly calm,they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside.Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups.They can be shy,are conscientious,trustworthy and sensitive.
Type B: Goal oriented and strong minded,type B's wiil start a tsak and continue it until completed and complete it well.Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their on way in life.
Type AB: Are the split personalities of the blood groups.They can be both outgoing,shy,confident and timid.While responsible,too much responsibility will cause a problem.They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Compatability by blood groups: A is most compatible with A and AB B is most compatible with B and AB AB is most compatible with AB,B,A and O O is most compatible with O and AB.
So,if you all want to know more details about you own blood and your personality just log on
I just read about flood in As everybody that, floods are one of the most common hazards in our world include Malaysia. Flash floods also often have a dangerous wall of roaring water that carries rocks, mud, and other debris and can sweep away most things in its path. So, children should be aware when flood happen. This article also provide on how we want to protect ourselves from flood hazards.
I just read an article about landslide. Landslides are often occur in our country. Landslide problems can be caused by land mismanagement, in areas which burned by forest and many more who cause by human activity. So, people should realize that their activity can make our country in danger. In this article, it is also provide on how to protect ourselves from a landslide or debris flow. you can read this article in
In a few days, Indian will celebrate Deepavali Festival. As everybody know that there are many festivals that we celebrate in Malaysia others than Deepavali such as “Hari Raya” and Christmas. Since we live in a country that has different religion and culture, we should respect between each others. The main important is we must have co-operation, understanding and helps with each others so that we can live with peace and harmony. If you want to know more about Deepavali festival, you can read this article in
In a few days, Indian will celebrate Deepavali Festival. As everybody know that there are many festivals that we celebrate in Malaysia others than Deepavali such as “Hari Raya” and Christmas. Since we live in a country that has different religion and culture, we should respect between each others. The main important is we must have co-operation, understanding and helps with each others so that we can live with peace and harmony. If you want to know more about Deepavali festival, you can read this article in
Today, i want share with you a recipe the most famous thai food,tom yam.Some said it is the best thai food.This food (tom yam ) can be found everywhere in Thailand,from food stalls and top restaurant.This food has a unique hot and sour flavour.To preparation this food,firstly start boiling the water.If you want the taste should be better,use chicken or pork stock.Then,add shrimp (300 grams) into water,wait until it turns red but don’t boil the shrimp too long.It will be tough.After that, add lemon grass,galangal,shallot and kafflir lime leaves.Then,you put the fish sauses and lime juices,add mushroom,chili and you can add more if you like spicy taste .You can refer the ingredients below:
Shrimp 300 grams Mushroom 100 grams (roughly shop) Lemon grass 2 stalks (cut into pieces) Kafflir lime Leaves 2-3 leaves (roughly shop) Shallot 2-3 (cut into half or crush it) Galanga 1 tablespoon (roughly shop) Fish sauce (Nampla) 2 tablespoon Lime juices 1-2 tablespoons Chilli 2-3 (you can add more, if you like spicy taste) Cilantro 1 tablespoon (for dressing) Water 1 bowl
Many people regard it as a medicinal soup as the herbs that spice the soup are known to have rich medicinal values, but its popularity lies in its exquisite flavour, not its curative properties.For more information,you can refer in website NAJMI BINTI MD NOR PB08034
Do you like vacation or travelling with your family? No need to go to oversea, there are so many wonderful and interesting island in our country.Actually, we can safe our money when we have a vacation in our own country . No need to worry about the food because we can get legitimate food here and the fee for the ticket which is quite expensive. I think that there are more benefits to have a vacation in our own country rather than in oversea.If I have money, I am sure that,I will have my family holiday in Malaysia only . So, if you want to visit and know of our islands in Malaysia you can find this in
Good morning... Today i had read one article from Daniel Hamermesh. The tittle thats i read is "An Example of Economy work".I get the article at The article writed about one human that get success in their life, obama's are new economic is a good teaching device. I'm very proud about him because he are brave to joined illustrates economic at 1977 and he proposed an income-tax credit of $3,000 for each new job above a company’s current employment level in the next two years. He didn't think to give up or scare if get down in economic work.Today, he get luck and economic that their join give more benefit per dollar of credit is greater with this approach and it is more target-effective. So i believe thats if we doing hard attempt we can get more good revenue in future...with their story i fell get more spirit to attempt my studies....tq..
I get another article that i think we will enjoyed to reading it espeacially for the women. this article from Freakonomics and tittle thats article is "Freak Shot: Time to Break Out The Vaipak?". Jeninifer Argo and Kelly Main are suggest in their paper that others in checkout line percive a coupon-user as being cheap and with this they will associating with that person. Acually,i like to get coupons,but I really like getting a free sample better. How about getting a coupon with a free sample attached. This way I can try the product and if I like it I will buy first one at a discount. Who would not like that situation becouse thats takes all of the risk out of buying a new flavor of a product.
The article ‘Aloe Vera Myth or Medicine’, written by Dr. Peter Atherton is about the use of Aloe Vera whether it possesses the healing property in curing health problems or the opposite. After reading this article, I realized that even in the olden days Aloe Vera were used as remedies for curing health problems and also as beauty agents. As far as I know, Aloe Vera is quite common among the locals since some of them used this plant regularly in their daily lives. As a whole, I think this article is interesting as it explains about the unique property of this plant and it shows plenty of similarity especially its applications. Further information can be obtained by referring to the web page:
As we know next weeks,we will doing exibition i would like to share with you all about my part at my group exibition. My group will be present about remote control and my part thats i will present is infrared light emiting diode(LED). First time i get this part i feel this part are difficult but after that i found more article about LED at internet and i think this part are very interesting.I can know how LED work at remote control and it give me more knowledge. LED at remote control use for transmit infrared light as the medium over which command are sent between you and the appliance. So if you want to know more about LED please check at and
The article I read was about zoo animals sickened by tainted Chinese milk. It’s so sad and disappointing to hear about the tainted milk scandal. How could people get so selfish just to gain money in such way that they even cause 4 infants life, 54,000 people sickened and infants turning up with kidney stones? The tainted food scandal in China keeps expanding and now even animals are sickened. Nations got affected because of this milk scandal just because of some irresponsible people? These people should be executed for what they have caused.
Is smoking riskier for woman’s heart than men’s? According to the article, women who smoke will end up with the same terrible diseases as men, at a much earlier age. So why is it all the smoking? Smoking may seem “cool” and “release stress” to some, but does it worth all the diseases? I am sure there are much better solutions than smoking. Men or women should not smoke either. Smoking just doesn’t have a good cause. I think women should not smoke because to me, women look awful with those smoking.
askum and hello to all my frend and miss marziah. today i want share about global warming.Global warming is the average meansured temperature of the earth's near air and oceans. Global warming can be effect the enviroment such as greenhouse effect,temperature changes,economic and effect to human. the causes of global warming is human activity most of the warming observed since the start of the industrial era.It is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface. that all thank you.
askum and hello..last week i have read about our mosque of Al-Aqsa just we know mosque of Al-Aqsa is the first qiblat of Muslim before it's transfer to Kaabah. but now the mosque of Al-Aqsa is under Jews.. Jews take a advantage to confusing people especially Muslim..they have distibuted the picture of Dome of The Rock as a mosque of Al-Aqsa.. sometimes they sell with a low price and sometimes they give as free to many people.. Jews only have one reason to do this which is to demolish the real mosque of Al-Aqsa. as a Muslim, i think we should know how to differentiate between mosque of Al-Aqsa and Dome of The Rock. we did not to be fool by anyone that can destroy our belief in God.. let's us think about it...
askum to all today i read an artical about water polution.Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants which live in these water bodies. Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water. the causes of water pollution is a human throw rubbish in to the river,throw chemicals and substances in to the river and everything. water pollution can make be effect to the fish and aquatic because water don't enogh oxygen. so water is important to human,fish and aquatic.
askum and hello to everyone... today i read an article about leadership.the world of leadership can refer to: those entities that perform one or more acts of leading.the ability to effect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission.influencing a group of people to move towards its goal setting or goal achievement. There are also several types of leadership style such as bureaucratic leader, bureaucratic leader, autocratic leader, democratic leader, transaction leader and so on.
Today i want to share with you all about my best friend in the world.I believe everyone in this world have their own best friend,so do I.My best friend is my 'mother'.I choose her because,she know me very well than others,such as my favorite food,my hobby and so on.Besides that i like to share everything with her about my problem,my studies and the most best thing that i can share with her is about my boyfriend(hehehehehehhe)..My mother always advise me,until sometime i feel why she talking too much but i know she do that for my own goods because she have a lot of experience.I appreciate what she have done for me and i don't know how to pay it but i believe my mother want the best result in my studies and get the high pointer as long as i can even though she never ask me.I miss her a lot and i can't wait to go home.
I have read an article about history of Japan.This country is my favorite destination.I hope i can go there one day.Japan known as 'Land of the Rising Sun'.Today Japan is one of the world's leaders in the development of new environment-friendly technologies.Besides that this country is the second largest economy in the world after United States.Haneda Airport awarded as the Asia's busiest airport and the largest domestic airport.Well as you all know Japan is one of leading in the fields of scientific research,particularly technology,machinery and biomedical research.Traditionally,Sumo is considered Japan's national sport and the most popular spectator in the sport in this country.Japan's education is very competitive,especially for entrance to institutions of higher education.The most popular and top university they have are University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.Currently ranks Japanese knowledge and skills of 15 years old as the 6th best in the world.Today Japan has plan in space exploration including building a moonbase by 2030.People in this country never give in everything they do and very hardworking.That why this country growing up with fast from other country.Our ex-Prime Minister Tun Dr.Mahathir choose this country as the best example to motivate us to do the best for our own country.That all i want to share with you all about Japan country.
From the article ‘Wildlife-Related Motor Vehicle Accident Factors’, I realized that there are actually a lot of causes which lead to the death of wildlife compared to the olden times where such cases rarely occurs. Among the factors stated, most of them are actually due to human activities including forest encroachments, construction and expansions of cities and all sorts. As inhabitants on this planet Earth, we should take notice on this matter and try to curb such problems from further surging. Just imagine if this world left only humans inhabiting without any wildlife due to our own inconsiderate and heedless attitude towards their existence. More information about the causes can be referred on the web page:
Hi this is my first comment for october. I have read an article "Who am i" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He always asks his friends the same question ‘Who Am I’ for many days. His friends give many different answers at the different days. He also asks him self does he is tell really what his friends say? He also not sure for it. Finally he just says “Whoever I am, Thou know, 0 God, I am Thins!” I ask my friends already, I get the same answer with the writer. What ever or what they say actually is not important for us. Always think positively and be happy. How about u? Ask your friends and ask yourself Who actually you are. Get the answer and share it with use..
I have ready an article ‘The Astrologer, Numerologist and Palmist’ by Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma.This is the science of numbers.You can get your own lucky number with your name and your date of birth. This is for the numerology. You also can get your sunsign in this web side. You also can get your marriage compatibility if you want. All service in this web side is free. Come and see and get your own lucky number know....
Dear classmate.... I know you all get a big problem in mathematics. So I find a web side for who get problem in subject mathematics can refer in the web side. In this web side it will give you some tip for how to face you mathematics perfectly. There also teach you how to solving linear equations. In this web side also have solving mathematics word problems. Examples addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), division (÷) and so on for the other. I hope what I do is useful for you all.
Hi,good day friends, today I want to share about financial maybe this tips can help you a lot.What is financial,we can get the definition from that is: concepts of time, money and risk and how they are from this we can know how the time,money and risk be related each other.And Im not agree with the statements given by this website about personal financial,that only giving the question which can be apply for everybody and the website only focusing to rich people not middle or poor people,And I found this website also focusing on global financial management.This website can't help individual person to learn how to manage their finance.
For more details please visit to website at above. Thank You Simon Peter Chandrn PB08029
Good Day Today the world is lacking the true love and we are become enemy with our species and we are destroying each other.Moreover people are saying If you have a loving family, a happy marriage that is a great blessing this is one of article which I read today which for its author Claudia Miclaus the true love is only state family and happy marriage for my view this author is selfish because the true love love everybody and it is lacking drasticly and we dont know what will happen to this world in future.For details you can get it from THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029 P14
I just read an article which is about friendship in Well , friendship is very important in our life. This is because friends can give bad or good influence. So, it is important especially for the teenagers to choose the right friends. Then, a true friend will give good advice, even correct a person when he is doing something wrong. Besides that, a true friend will always stay together whether when we are in trouble or in happiness.So, appreciate your friends while he is still beside you.
Do you know that mobile phone can effect our health? According to what I just read in , some scientific research found that, there is a relation between the mobile phone use with the brain tumor. Even though,it is not proof yet but then, we must prevent this from happened. I know that mobile phone is very important in our life but then we should use the phones for short periods and for important reason only.This is important so that you can avoid from any cancers.
today i want to shere about stress final exam... you all can feel this stress only 2 week before the real examination..this time you really busy to doing any work... you have to finish your more assignment.your reading book,your presentation and other you have to your feel stress really big to body really strong can handle this problem but how body can't handle this stress their really easy feel give up.. so the final exam is really important to decide their own the successful is not easy to come...because we must hard working to get the successful is depend to our that all from me..
Hii everyone... How about your life today? good or not? i would like to wit you all smething interesthing that i had learned. Did you know about "the good life style"? I will give you more tips how to get good life style...firstly, we must doing some activity thats we can get healthy liked doing joging or gimnasium...doing 5 to 30 minutes per day or doing 3 to 4 day per weeks this will be help you get more energy and health in your life secondly,about your food that you get must carefully if you get some food everyday especially at cafe ump had more colestrol food. Get more fruit and green vegetable thats will be help your body and mind active to doing some activity that use to think or studies.. Lastly, please found the doctor if you think not good and don't think thats is not serious. Thats all that i can share with you all if you want to more please entered at internet ok...
today i want to shere about my experience went i join the club "Rakan Muda Wawasan Desa"in kampung Balok,Pahang.this is the first time im join this club..frist i come in kampung Balok i got the new family..this family is really funny n really open minded so were u come this family you feel that you are not the other people but you feel this is like the really your true family.second day,this clup doing more activities to the penduduk kampung like motivation to children who want to take the exam like PMR,SPM and STPM..after that my group doing the gotong-royong with the penduduk kampung to clean the balai raya,mosque and other...and to nihgt we are join the 'malam ria aidilfitri' with penduduk kampung this ceremony more food like laksa,sate,mee goreng and others.. last day,the rakan muda team doing the sukaneka to the family to enjoy and win more i really enjoy join this clup and maybe i want to join again to next time...and i hope to all my friend can join this club because its really enjoy...
I’m sure that the title ‘What’s A Vampire’ will attract most of the readers’ attention as it has attracted mine. Vampire is actually the ‘un-dead’ form of human being which rises from the grave at night to feed on blood and only returns to it at dawn. From my own understanding, vampires are afraid of garlics and sunlight. True as it is, the information given in this article is just the same as what I know. In addition, the writer which is David Johnson includes that thorns of wild roses are capable in keeping them away too. Even though some people do not believe in vampires, I’m still pondering over the existence of them whether it is just a myth or the opposite. More exciting information about these blood sucking corpses can be found on the web page:
‘What Are Constellations’ is an interesting article which I found on the web page: The graphics on this article are put up by Motz, Nathanson and Kaufmann. According to this article, constellations are not real. They are only imaginary things which poets and astronomers made up. Constellations are actually used to identify stars basing on their position in the sky. Nothing else is ever concerned other than that. In my point of view, this article shows a great number of examples and it has a lot of information which is sufficient enough to enlighten readers about the constellations.
today i want comment about the open house in kompleks sukan UMP. the open house aidilfitri start at 10 am my friends and me go to kompleks sukan together..we all use the baju kurung to feel the situation hari raya like kunjung-mengunjung. went my friend and me until in kompleks sukan we all can feel the hari raya situation.we all site an eat together..more student come to join this ceromany and more student non muslim come to join and feel this situation...i really happy and enjoy this function and my friend and me take the picture to remember the happy moment for i want to give five star to who doing this open house because my friend and me really enjoy...and the foods really delicious and more choice we all can this open house is really truely best.. that all from me..thank you!
Hii everyone... How about your day??? I hope today are good k..This day i would like to share with you guys about camping...wahh!! the sound liked good right..this activity is one most that i like to do know why?..This is because that activity will give me more stronger, knowledge and more experiance...with the camping we can doing more activity like jungle tracking, "walk night", doing flying fock, see more flora and fauna and so on. Thats activity will give me more excited to join it. Acually, with camping we can get new friends and that will be help your to comunication with everyone. Other than that, we can learn moral value like team work, leader, comunication and others. Team work in camp are very importand because with team we can knoe how to doing work together and comunicate with their group. So,today i have give you more about camping..and i hope you will enjoyed about my writing and of couse you all will be learned right.. ok tq
assalamualaikum and hello to everyone... today i want to shere about the woarking mums.... now as u all know the women today really busy and really sucsessful about the work and i really aprieciate the women can do the more work..for example my one day she can do any work like the cook.washing,work at office take care the children and husband and do it the any job in everyday and can not feel tierd or sterss..and just feel cool to handle the more situation really good..diffrient with the dad can not feel the stress him easy to angry and badmood so i really respect my mum and the mum in the world because she can do the any job and handle the more situation really i really love my mum...also my father....because of you i life...thank you mum and dad..
Do you know more about apple?? thats fruit are good for healty in your life..eating fresh apple is always good for you...because apple has more nutritional benefit liked vitamin A,vitamin C, caicium, iron and protein for yours body. You should be eat at least one fresh applr everyday. Other than that apple will be help you to whole body health benefit like Lower blood cholesterol, diabetes, asthma and all. so thats all that i can tell you about apple if you want to about that please enter at k tq...
what the manager???as a student project management i have to know what the mean of manager because insyaallah after the gradute i will be come the i want to shere to all about the what definition about the manager.A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career. A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career.Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises, but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
A manager may have the power to hire or fire employees or to promote them. In larger companies, a manager may only recommends such action to the next level of management. The manager has the authority to change the work assignments of team members.
A manager's title reflects what he/she is responsible for. An Accounting Manager supervises the Accounting function. An Operations Manager is responsible for the operations of the company. The Manager of Design Engineering supervises engineers and support staff engaged in design of a product or service. A Night Manager is responsible for the activities that take place at night. There are many management functions in business and, therefore, many manager titles. Regardless of title, the manager is responsible for planning, directing, monitoring and controlling the people and their work.for example the production manager developed a staffing plan for the the first you must to be the manager u have to know what the real work that manager doing...that all.
Today i would to share with you all about animal...i had open one blog that thats tittle is "no more dead animal". i'm seeing more picture about animal taht had dead..Thats are very sad.. i don't believe that human will do it also..If you want to know more about animal please in at At the blog i had learn more about love for animal, we should be take care the animal like open for place animal. So please take care the animal if you not like the animal don't beat them ok...tq
Hi guys,today I read about the Burj Dubai, the world's tallest man-made structure is scheduled to be completed in 2009. The tower's dramatic rise above the Gulf horizon will yet again remind the world of Dubai's growing financial muscle and allow the buyers and holidaymakers to stay and carry on with their exciting lives in amazing fashions. The gigantic tower is located at the core of an integrated township called, Downtown Burj Dubai, which features several more developments apart from the main tower. And question developmt is only for certain people like rich people?because this development is cansider is the most biggest in the world so how about Dubai poor people? THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Hi guys,today I read about the Burj Dubai, the world's tallest man-made structure is scheduled to be completed in 2009. The tower's dramatic rise above the Gulf horizon will yet again remind the world of Dubai's growing financial muscle and allow the buyers and holidaymakers to stay and carry on with their exciting lives in amazing fashions. The gigantic tower is located at the core of an integrated township called, Downtown Burj Dubai, which features several more developments apart from the main tower. And question developmt is only for certain people like rich people?because this development is cansider is the most biggest in the world so how about Dubai poor people?For more details you can get it from THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Hi friends,today monopoly become one of favourite game to everybody. Monopoly was invented by Charles B. Darrow during the Depression in the 1934 and at first it was rejected by Parker Brothers due to \"52 design errors\"! Streets in Monopoly are taken from Atlantic City, New Jersey. Game was very popular in Cuba until Fidel Castro took power and burned all the Monopoly sets. Standard Monopoly bank starts with $15,140 and it is estimated that Monopoly has been sold 250 million times through out the world.For more details please visit to http// THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Dear friends,today I was reading about ALBERT EINSTEIN,as we all know he was a briliant man, when Einstein was five, his father showed him a pocket compass. Einstein realized that there must be something in the space, previously thought to be empty,that was moving the needle and later stated that this experience made "a deep and lasting impression".From this passage I want to give a comments that if the Einstien can think differently that other kids while his age was 5 how about us?think about it.For more details please visit to THANK YOU SIMON PETER CAHANDRAN PB08029
Dear friends do you know about benefits about noni fruit or noni juice? For that please visit to in this site the writer cannot give rue details whether the fruit is toxic or not and I am not agree with him. THANK YOU SION PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Good evening guys. Let me share some informations with u all. I wan to share with u "IPOD" from wikipedia. What you guys know about ipod? It is a portable media players that designed by Apple Inc. There are few types of iPod such as ipod shuffle, ipod touch, ipod classic and many more. As i know, ipod can play several of audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF and many more. It also can support video formats like Mpeg-4 AVC. Image formats like JPEG, PNG and TIFF. In my opinion, ipod is a great gadget for those who always travel because while we traveling, we can use this gadget to listen songs, play games and view images. Besides that, it can also store a lof of songs, images and files because there are 16GB, 32GB and so on. Not only that, we also can surf the net on ipod anywhere with the place that has internet connection or wireless. For more infomations, kindly log on
What are your favourite types of cat?this website www. types of can give you more information about types of cat and you can more learn about cat you like such as tabby cats ,tuxedo cats, black cats, calico cats, tortoiseshell cats ,silver cats, Siamese cats and so on .for more details information about types of cat ,you can refer that web given. This article nice to share all things about cat and it has several picture types of cat to give you know it.
hello everybody.. i read about the most popular artist in us. that is a britney spears..she is one singer have many controversy over the influence of her public image on teenage girl. she have talent in singing but couse the gossip she down rigt now.although the britney spears sex symbol but she is have ranked as the eight best selling female recording artist in the us.that means she is one glamor atist in us. i hope in malaysia dont have singer like that. thats all.tq
Pearson Higher Education is one of the world great publisher especially book for students. It brands is Addison-Wesley, Allyn&Bacon, Benjamin Cummings, Longman, Merill and Prentice Hall. Besides that, Pearson provides quality education solution in all available media, learning spectrum from college and career training through graduate studies and professional training, and development.Everything they publish from text book, to website, to multimedia programs help student learn and achieve success.Student also can learn in the different way such as through CourseSmart, eTextbook and VangoNotes. So, Pearson Higher Education can improve students learning, understanding and grades through online or textbook. For more information about Pearson please visit and for professional resources, visit all from me thank you.
Health and safety work at work is very important that every employer should aware about this. I think that the employee and employers should cooperate with each other for their goodness. In my opinion, the employer should provide and make sure that the work place is always in good condition. While for the employees, they should know and follow all the rules in their work place. There is no points if the employees did not follow the rules, because the accident still can happen. I find this article in
Why is landscaping important? That was the article that I had read just now in In this article, the reason why others do it to their own homes are to make the property look unique and to increase the property's value. I love landscaping. In my opinion, landscaping is good for our health. It can also release my stressing and make me feel calm. It does not a matter whether the price for landscaping is quite expensive, as long as I am satisfied with it. If I have my own house, I will do the landscaping .
Good morning... I have read an article DON'T TAKE PANADOL AND PANADOL ACTI FAST AND PANADOL SOLUBLE (ESPECIALLY. PEOPLE HAVE GASTRIC). According to the doctor, Panadol will reside in the body for at least 5 years. If take Panadol too much need to wash kidney(Dialysis) every month.So remember dont take Panadol if not really need too. So remember Panadol is a pain killer!!!
Today i want to share about technical English activities along this month.I'm happy that the product exhibition presentation is over.When my group has done the presentation i felt my burden on my shoulder gone.I'm worry that i can't do the best for my group,but my group member give support to me..thank you to all my member group (Soh Meng Tuck,Siti Hajar and Hasrul).This activity improve my confidence level especially talk in English in front of people,eventhough i refer my text during the presentation(hehehehehhe).I will never forgot this activity because we have a lot of memory.But so sad that we are not going to be your(Miss Marziah) student for the next semester.So at the beginning of November we have final exam,so good luck to all my friend.. do the the best!!!!!!!!!!!.
Dear friends,do you know what is paracetamol?It is a painkiller. It can also lower a raised temperature (fever).In this article I have found that the paracetamol can gradually poison our kidney.But in this website I could not find any of details about the amount that can effect our kidney,for me this only not a clear facts and I am not agree with it.For more details please visit to THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Dear friends,Today I was reading about agriculture is a business at internet at was thinking our country should adapt this method because I read that skills is important in agricultural business,for me our country still not have this kind of training,but only ask our people to involved in agriculture business,so why not we focus on farmer families in upgrade the skills in them. THANK YOU SIMON PETER PB08029
Good Morning guys,today we have achieve lot in technology and I was wonder how is the future technology?And I noticefied that future technology will be focus more on robotics especially on human robotics,I am strongly not agree with it because it can effect human being majority and authority if the human robots is increase,and it will create problem to us or maybe one day they will reign on us or crazy people will use it to obtain power of ruling the world. For more details please visit to THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
DEAR FRIENDS,do you know what is Brain machine interfaces (BMIs)? it is activity in the brain to be sent to, or received from, a computer. Some BMIs use sensors mounted in a removable cap or MRI technology to read signals from the brain. Others connect directly to the surface of the brain, through tiny wires and an array of micro-electrodes. BMIs can also be entirely implanted in the brain.And this can help paralyzed patients communicate, control robotic arms, computers and other devices. In the future, BMIs could provide a path to brain enhancement and memory upload/download.And agree with this technology because it is use full for our community.For more details please visit to THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
HI,Guys do you know what is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is the science of the small; the very small. It is the use and manipulation of matter at a tiny scale. At this size, atoms and molecules work differently, and provide a variety of surprising and interesting uses.And what is nanotechnology impacts? First on Social divide, effect of widening the divide between the rich and the poor, or more specifically the developed and developing world.In my comments this social gap can be avoid if we share this technology one and another. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Hi,communication has already changed dramatically day by days. Communication in the future could be quite different than it is today. Recent advancements in 3D imaging and scanning technologies are making your "virtual presence" a real possibility.And I am agree with this website statements because this tieten the relationship between people from all over the world. For more information you can get it form THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
GUYS,the world have be facing the crisis on fuel,imagine one day the fuel already finish?Therefore the scientists already found the solution that is vehicles will use high tech electronics to assist drivers in a wide variety of ways. Vehicles will communicate with each other, with the road and with traffic signals. Autos and trucks of the future will use vision enhancement devices to help you navigate through bad weather and warn you of a possible collision with a pedestrian or animal. They will also let you know if you are getting drowsy or straying from your lane. Cars of the future will be radically different than the automobiles of today, and so will the driving experience. And I am stronly agree with this technology will reduce the pollution and save the fuel which is getting to lost. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Hi,there did you know about the renewable energy sources? renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Solar energy can be used directly for heating and lighting, for generating electricity and a variety of commercial and industrial uses. This energy is very cheap and natural and we not need to depend on chemicals.For more details please visit to THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
I was thinking about the future of medicine and I found that breakthroughs will build from the incredible progress made in nanotechnology, biotechnology, computers, the information learned from deciphering the human genome and other scientific and technical areas.Therefore this upcoming technology will identified the sickness on patients and will help the doctor to find the solve as quick as can.Find more details on THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Dear friends few days from now Indian community will celebrate Deepavali,I hope we will celebrate festival of light together,there are many types of preparation,and now I wants to mention one of particular preparation which is important in this festival that is dressing,I was interested with one of article written by MEERA VIJAYAN the star writer,the title is Mughal’ outfit a big hit,now the latest fashion is Anarkali suit made popular by the big-budget Bollywood movie Jodhaa Akbar.I hope this festival will bring hapiness to our Indian friends by this new design of dress will make them look beautiful and happy HAPPY DEEPAVALI. For more detail we can get it from THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
An article from The Star Online, '50,000 contract workers to be laid off, says Cuepacs' written by Sim Leoi Leoi intrigues me. I have been a contract employee before but for private sector instead of PSD, whereby, contract employees do not enjoy the perks of permanent staff and yet performed the same tasks. I earned RM50 per day compared to other permanent staff earning more than RM2k and receiving bonuses, MC leave and day offs, yet I'm performing the same tasks like them. It was certainly beneficial to the company as budget are saved rather than employing more permanent staff. I think I understand how the affected workers feel, but I think that they whom are mostly lazy Malays should not rely too much on government. This article can be found at:
HI guys today I have read one article at by P.Gunasegaran about freedom of media at our country the title is 'Freedom with responsibility' I agree with the author because if the freedom be use wrongly it will create problem such as race fighting,Therefore the reporter or writer should have responsible in protect our country peace. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
In the article 'Every six in 10 people inactive' taken from The Star Online, Health Minister said the government's many promotion to get people to lead a healthy lifestyle, has not worked. I seriously think that the government is so stupid to think spending on medias and campaigns would actually worked from the beginning. In my point of view, the whole education system must be restructured so that students are not burdened to spend most of the time in their life to score in the exam oriented culture. If this is not done, students will grow into unhealthy adults facing obesity, hypertension, etc even though they have a degree or master. It is like a proverb 'study first, put aside health'. This article can be obtained at:
'Ex-Deputy Vice-Chancellor under probe over illegal contract extension' written by Lourdes Charles is an article which I found myself astound. How can a highly educated professor with a PhD on that position be involved with corruption? This is unbelievable. I hope the same thing will not happen in UMP. This article can be obtained at:
Hi,friends today world situation give us the sign that the war world 3 will start soon.Today I was reading a article written by Dr. Michael Rathford at the author give the time for the war at 2009 to 2012.And I am agree with him because from my personal view I have found that this war will happen soon so we have to prepare for the time coming. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
I have read about an article on 'Abdullah:Ong must let me know what he wants'. In my point of view after reading the whole article, I think that whatever political party that Malaysians choose during the next general election, the government will never be able to stop the current worrying corruption happening in all levels of politics and PSD. Majority of the current politicians in this country are corrupted and don't know how to handle the nation wisely as all they do is quarreling between parties and also inside the parties itself for personal purposes. This article can be obtained at:
Here is an interesting article. It is 'Rules of the game have changed' written by Wong Chun Wai. The government has to face the harsh reality that it no longer has control over media technology. In my point of view, being a politician in Malaysia nowadays is mentally challenging. Politicians must be careful on every single words that come out from their mouths because one controversial word will cause internet bloggers to criticize them. I also believe that most irresponsible bloggers are rude, aggressive and always talk about sensitive issues. This article can be obtained at:
I have read a book Family by Adrian Wilson. He write this book because he want to provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of the family. Family is very important to us, when we are in the grow up process. So we also as a member of the Family we have to love our family and help them when they got problem. Family is the person who very love you and would not leave you alone anytime. Try to forgive them if they already do something is very hurt you heart .
'Passion comes a-calling' is a very interesting article written by Sarah Chew. In my point of view, I have not seen any of my friends or ex-colleagues whose ambition or career is as unusual as being a clown, a wine taster, a good chauffeur, or a pet groomer. Most of them want to be engineers, managers, teachers and scientists. It's nice to hear that a clown can earn RM2k-RM3k per month if work for companies on a contract basis. One pair of clown shoes you can only get from United States can cost up to RM2k. Haha. Well, I'm not daring enough to be a clown. This article can be found at:
A week ago, I went to East Cost Mall in Kuantan and there is an exhibition that I initially thought that it was an insurance exhibition until I found out an article about 'Exhibition on HIV/AIDS draws big crowds in Kuantan' written by Simon Khoo. In my point of view, I really pity the HIV society because a lot of them inherited that virus since birth and they were brought up as orphans discriminated by working firms. Not only that, they can only love and get married to the same society as them, and then have a child who brings their virus as well. So sad. This article can be obtained at:
I have read an article on 'KTM implements new queuing scheme for passengers' written by Stuart Michael. In my point of view, as I often used this service before I enter UMP, I think this scheme is a good improvement of KTM's services. I only hope KTM next time will provide longer trains during busy hours though. Also, it would be nice if the underground station in KL Sentral is equipped with air-con because the air gets stuffy during a crowd. This article can be obtained at:
The last article that will cover my October postings is 'Residents ask for more patrols' written by K.kasturi Dewi. In my point of view, the residents must practice neighbourhood values to prevent break-in crimes rather than asking for more patrols, though I still agree on that demand. However, knowing your whole neighbourhood takes a lot of effort and city people are too busy with earning money and spending their own time. All these factors create opportunities for robbers to break-in and steal. This article can be obtained at:
A book that i have read wrote by Marilyn Wann. The name of the book is Fat! So!Because You Don't have to Apologize for your size. She had a bad memory when she was going out for dating.She boy friends was embarrassed to introduce she to friends because she fat. Did you have the same experience for case like this? For the guy are you also think fat is embarrass? So all the fat person have to diets because fat embarrass? That is wrong! Fat person have to diets because the healty. If too fat it will become Diabetes. So help you friend to diets for healty if they are really fat.
7 secretly healthy foods that we eat is really healthy for us? I ready the new at Chew on this, the 7 food that we eat is eggs, white potatoes, pizza, beef, sugary cereals, canned fruits and vegetables and oysters. Accoding to this news they say some of the food realy got the bad rap. So we have to know what food is really good for us. I dont want to tell you more at here try to ready yourself and you will know how bad rap for the food you eat everyday.
ready the news at:
I have read an article by Monique N.Gilbert ,B.Sc about Reduce Stress and Strengthen Your Immune System : 10 Natural Way to Relax and Rejuvenate. Do you know when stress compromises our immune function ,it can result in cold, flu ,fatigue , cardiovascular. Stress increase heart rate, blood pressure, glucose level, adrenaline cortical, free radical and oxidative damage .Protecting the immune system is a vital part of living longer, feeling younger, and being healthy .Here are ten natural healthy way to reduce stress: 1.walking and physical activity like dancing ,gardening, cycling , swimming Regular exercise and physical activity strengthen your immune system,cardiovascular system,heart, muscles and bones. and stretching Yoga improve muscle strengthen ,flexibility, range of motion , balance, breathing ,blood circulation, and calmness. Stretching also reduce metal and physical stress,tension,promotes good sleep, lower blood pressure . 3.Hand hygiene Washing your hand with soap and water as soon as you come home and always before you eat ,greatly reduce your exposure to bacterial and viral infections. in case you cannot wash with soap and water when you are away from home, carry some alcohol based hand wipes with you control microbial exposure. 4.Laugher and humor There is truth to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. It reduces stress hormones and benefits your immune system . 5. High nutrient diet Eat foods in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E , omega 3 fatty acids and foliate .it is helpful in preventing and controlling high cholesterol ,hypertension, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes depression. Listening to your favorite music is a great method of reducing stress. 7.sleep get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Remember rest and relaxation go hand in hand. Long-term sleep loss can also result in heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression, and anxiety. 8.positive thinking finding the good in what life throws your way and looking at the bright side of things enhances your ability to effectively manage stress. 9.tea Regularly drinking tea throughout the day can help strengthen your immune system and your body's ability to fight off germs and infections. Both green and black teas contain a beneficial amino acid called L-theanine, which can increase the infection fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells. L-theanine also promotes a sense of relaxation, calmness and well-being by influencing the release and concentration of neurotransmitters (like dopamine, serotonin and GABA) in the brain. 10.hydrotherapy Relaxing in a hot bath relieves sore muscles and joints, reduces stress and tension, and promotes a good night's sleep. Add some soothing music, soft lighting and scented bubble bath/bath foam to create an inexpensive and convenient spa experience in the privacy of your own home. To get you started, try this delicious and nutritious recipe by Monique. It's high in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. Banana strawberry power smoothie
1 frozen ripe banana 1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen) 1/2 cup orange juice 1/2 cup soymilk 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds 1 tablespoon honey Blend in a food processor or blender for 1-2 minutes, until smooth and creamy. Makes about 2-3/4 cups (2 servings)
So, to make always your happy ,see the positive in all situation and accept yourself either bad or not. For more information please visit
assalamuaikum and selamat sejahtera everyone.. today i read about what is the difference thing about women and men.all women like go shoppinh.although there are not buy somthing but just look and see all thing in the shopping complex can make the women happy. but for men there are doesn't like go to shopping complex.there are most likely go to place for sport like field and many palce sport.that is difference thing about women and men.
assalamuaikum everyone.. i read about telephone.the telephone is the one thing very important to everyone.don't matter children and adults all people need telephone.but sometimes have people to use telephone for many thing unbenefit like make lewd movie.after that the movie disseminate in internet and all people.that is not good for children..that all.tq
Good evening Miss Marziah and my fellow friends. My title entitle "10 Reasons You're Not Getting Promoted" by Tag and Catherine Goulet, This article is about the factors someone cant be promoted in their working life. One of them is "you have enemies". I support the author in this point because when you have enemies in your work, comfirmly it will bring a lot of problems and hard times for you. Besides that, the second point is "you are a slacker". U wont get to promote if u are a slacker that always come late, go back early and dint finish a task on time? Any company want this kind of employee? The answer is NO so if u wan find out more about it, please log on>1=23000&cbRecursionCnt=1&cbsid=17b47514b9a44a46b271884c3be177b5-278159923-VN-4
assalamuaikum everyone.. i read about queen squash in the world rigt now,that is nicole david.she born in penang at august 26,1983.she is championship in all competition she join.all people in malaysia very proud with the nicol a people live in malaysia,we must make nicol david as idol an make something for country.thats all.tq
I have read an article color therapy by Dr.Greenfield. Color affects mood and emotions. Color therapy uses this sensitivity to identify and correct any imbalance in the body’s. It leads to emotional or physical ill health. Each organ and body system has its own characteristic vibration energy and disorders can be healed by applying color of the corresponding vibration energy, either to the whole body or organ concerned. Red color can be used for cold, poor circulation, anemia, and mucus ailment. Blue color is cooling to the body system. It also can reduce high blood ,asthma, chicken pox, jaundice and rheumatism. Yellow useful treatment of most headaches and digestive problem .Besides,pink color can be used for treating skin conditions. Actually many color can be used for treatment therapy and for more information about therapy color and how to use it you can refer in website www. Color Therapy Holistic
assalamuaikum everyone.. the doll is very popular in world right now is barbie doll.the barbie doll have a story before famous.the full name for barbie's doll is barbara millicent roberts and that is the name for daughter make the barbie doll. all children especially women like play with barbie doll and price for barbie doll is verry expensive compare for many doll.barbie doll have pretty women and long hair.for more information about barbie doll you can look in web site
My second article entitle "How To Save On Holiday Travel" by By Francesca Levy, on When we go on holiday, that doesnt mean we have to spend a lot of money. There are many ways to save when on holiday travel such as buy tickets early. I am agree with the author point because if we buy tickets early, we can buy the tickets at low price with promotion too. Normally we should buy the tickets as early as 6months before the flight. Not only that, we can also save money on "green savings". It means we can save by saving all the small cost of something that is not important to us such as taking public transports instant of driving. It can save money on petrols and many more.
Chocolate...Chocolate is my favourite... I have ready and article about chocolate. The article say Chocolate is a psychoactive food. I think so because the chocolate can make a person happy.Chocolate have many type like black chocolate, white chocolate and chocolate milk. But do not eat too much chocolate it will make you fat. Except the black chocolate because it is made form the original chocolate.
Good morning. The article i read entitled "How To Stop Snoring" by Malega Michael on This article is about the way to stop snoring. Do you guys know what is snoring? Snoring is the noise that is created by the soft palate and other tissues of the mouth, the nose and the throat which is caused by the fractional obstruction of the airway. One of the ways is stop smoking because it can help to reduce noise and strength of snoring. Improve sleeping posture also important because if you sleeping on your back it will worsen snoring problems. Snoring is not good for health because it makes a lot of noise and make your person beside you cant have a good sleep. In this article, there are a lot of ways to solve snoring problems.
I have found another wed side for calculate you star, you birthday in Chinese calendar and Islamic calendar. This calculate also help you calculate about your life path compatibility, how many years old are you, how many day leave will be your next birthday. Still got many think you can look inside the wed side. The name of the wed side is Birthday Calculator. Is mean just using your birthday to calculate all the thing that they can calculate for. Got to find out your self in..
The article entitled "Fight Asthma with Fruit, Fish, and Fresh Air" by Mary Coyle. Vitamin C in fruits and omega-3 fatty acids in fish are actually known to improve the function of the heart and lungs. To preventing asthma through an improved diet, it is important to avoid triggers in the air that may bring on attacks because because indoor air is actually two to ten times more polluted than that outdoors. healthful diet including fruit and fish can actually reverse the symptoms of asthma. As inflammation of the airways is reduced and constriction is prevented through consuming omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C. For more informations, please log on Thank you.
I hate smoker! For who are the smoker better you ready this! I try to help you smoker. I have ready an article for helping you to stop smoking. The title for the article is “Steps to Help You Break The Habit”. Why I say smoker have to ready because smoking got the immediate reason to stop and also got long term reason to stop. The steps to help you break the habit is •Get ready. •Get support and encouragement. •Learn how to handle stress and the urge to smoke. •Get medication and use it correctly. •Be prepared for relapse. •Keep trying But the describe for all the step you have to ready on yourself.
hai everyone... good mornig to all my friend and i read article about "Love".Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction . This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.if you want to know more about love you can look in wikipedia.thats all.tq
assalamuaikum.. i read about tv3 in wikipedia.tv3 was incorporated in 1983 as Malaysia’s first commercial television station. It is part of Media Prima group of tv3 is one important channel in malaysia and the programme in tv3 suitable for all communities in malaysia.that all,tq
Hey is coming soon.So what you all plan? Sleep at home? Go to work? about we go to travel? Come on join me and my family go to Taiwan!! As i know that the best think at Taiwan is eat and shopping! So the best place for shopping and eating is at Taipei. The famous shopping complex is Taipei 101 shopping complex. you can see the shopping complex at: For malay do not worry i also find somethink for you all.. Where can find halal food in Taipei? Can you find some in the night ... Kunming Islamic Restaurant No 26, Lane 81, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan 02) 2751-6776 is inexpensive and nice. Open weekdays from 11:30 - 21:30..So not need to worry about that.
Did you like fashion? I very like it.. I want to become a fashion designer but my mother did allow me. So I continue study by taking accounting course when I form 4. So I always online to search all the latest fashion and look for their design. This is what I can do now. The magazine that I look online got many think will introduce to you. For the fashion design will got many type of matching clothe and the latest design. The wed side for magazine : This is the wed side for fashion design, but if you really want to open this wed side please make sure you have to open mind.
Hi guys. How are you all doing lately? Examinations left 1week more. The article i read entitled " 6 Personal Growth Happiness Tips". There are six points to grow happiness in life such as relaxation, self-esteem, community, pray, identity and imagination. One of the points is relaxation. After a long day of work or weeks of work, we need a time for us to relax and release tension. We also need time to have a good sleep to recover from being too tired. Another point is community. Community is a group of people where we work together and live with. We can know more people from different kind of background that is different with us. We should be happy to make people around us to be happy to. When we happy, people will happy and the work we done is going to be good. To find out more, kindly log on
HI,my beloved friends. Today I was reading about benefits of internet, and I found that there are lots of benefits in using the internet like the describition on this one website I have visit is at and I noticed that the use of internet is really give benefits to us. So for more details please visit to this following website. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
My second post for today entitled " Importance of Marriage to Society" by Jameswlsh on From marriage there are many benefits to a couple such as living together where two person tie the knot and setu p a home of their own that they live under the same house. They accompany each other all the times and talk to each other when they want or lonely and share problems together. Financial security is the benefits to a couple where the couple salary accumulated together, they will have more money to buy more comfortable and expensive house to stay in. They will more afordable to buy things that they cant buy when they are individual. Third benefits is emotional support. From this point, they can support and help each other when one of them is down or sad. They can always encourage and comfort the one is sad or angry. There are a lot of benefits, why dont you guys have a look at it? Thank you.
Guys what you think about 'End Of The World'? I have read one article at I hope you guys will have take this oppurtunity to read about it, This page most on prophecies by same of people, and some of them happen but I like to say end of the date cannot by will of man but by will of divine power of Almight god.And I hope my friends don't believe this page and believe that end of world is there. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
"Women and the Effects of Divorce" by Jameswalsh. This article is about women and the effects of divorce they are facing. After divorce, women usually very emotional and takes longer time to recover from divorce. Even divorce, they still care and worry bout their family and other professional commintments towards family. After divorce, women normally does better than men in life and entrepreneurs because they learn from mistakes. Besides that, after divorce they can find a better person and more understanding person to be with them. For more information about divorce, log on
I read an article entitled "How Men Usually Find Women" by David DeAngelo at This article is about how men find women for all kind of purpose such as to be friend or to meet new friends. I m agree with the author article because many man like to visit places where females gather such as in a club on ladies night where mens will go to take this advantage. Men also will attend yoga class where there mostly a lot of women. It is not an easy task to find or meet a women because you need to decide what kind of women that you want or suitable with you, need to approach and engage them and many more. I can said that men are desperate for women in this modern society.
My article entitled "Having an STD friendship" by Scott21 and Paraday21. Many people out there seems worry to have friends that is positive to STD because they scare they might be the one who also infected with the diseases. Frankly speaking, i will also worry if my friend is infected with STD because i might get infected if i dint take care of myself well or dint take the precautions when mixing with them. If you have STD and your partner also have STD, you can get married and have babies because 98% your children wont infected by STD but will stay healthy. Conclusion, if you are infected with STD dont hide away from the society because there are milions of people are same as you that is in the same boat as u. Dont be afraid, believe in God. Log on for more informations.
I just read an article entitled " Workers Compensation" by Ian Hass at As we know that accident can happen to anyone eat any time without warning. It can be a serious accident or a minorr accident. As a result, workers compensation is for the workers who injured while they performing their task in working place or working. They can get compensation for medical expenses and lost wages from the company because it is our right to get it for what we had suffer for our company.
Good evening. I continue my comments on article after dinner. My article entitled "Main causes of hair loss" by Meena chauhan. Hair loss happens to everyone no matter young, old, teenagers, childeren or women. Hair loss doesnt mean its gone forever, it might be an illness that make it to lose excessive amounts of hair. For you guys informations, women will also face hair loss during or after pregnancy because of hormone. Besides that, perm hair also can damage hair and cause permanent hair loss. Want to find out more? Kindly log on Thank you.
Assalamualaikum and hello to Miss Marziah and my friend..
I have read an article that the tittle is Science and Health.This article have a lot of information including our earth.According this article the scientist mention that our earth circling the Sun at an average distance of 93 million miles.Our Earth is the fifth largest planet and the third from the Sun.Earth completes one rotation on its axis every 23 hour,56 minutes and 4.09 seconds.It orbits the Sun ta speed of 67000 mph,making one revolution in 365 days,5 hours,48 minutes and 45.51 seconds.Earth has a diameter of 7,927 mi at the equator and a few miles less at the poles.It has an estimated mass of about 6.6sextillion tons,with an average density of 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter.Earth's surface area encompasses 196,949,970 sq mi of which about three-fourths is water.
assalamualaikum and good evening to all my friend..
today i want to shere about the what i learn alone in UMP around 4 month.i try to independent from without my family behind me...first time it's really difficult to do this because really feel homesick i miss my mom,dad and my family..everyday i just feel to go back my when i feel comfortable the new place and remember again i must to fight this like the challenge to give my family my successful..because my family really hope i can give their are the success..and i really hope that i can really to achieve family dream..insyaAllah..
that all from me.. thank you sitihazwani binti othman PB08016
Today i want to share a little bit information about our blood.Blood pressure is the most dangerous diseases and silent killer.Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries.Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers-the systolic pressure (as the heart beats)Normal blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg Systolic and less than 80 Hg Diastolic.So we need to care about our health.Take the food with right quantity.Follow the pyramid of food that suggested.Taking various of food influent our health.So take care your health by doing exercise and care of your food.For more information go to http;//
I have read an article that the tittle is 'If You Need to Lose Weight'.Many people are not sure how much weight they should lose.Weight loss of only 5-10 percent of body weight may improve many of the problems with overweight such as high blood pressure and diabetes.Even a smaller loss can make a difference.So if you all want to lose your weight do so slowly and steadily.Extreme approaches to weight loss,such as self-induce vomiting or the use of laxatives,amphetamines or diuretics are not appropriate and can be dangerous to our health.There are a lot exercise to lose our weight with slowly and safe such as:
What is Cancer?Do You have idea about this question?.Cancer is really group of diseases.There are more than 100 different types of cancer,but they all are a disease of some of the body's cells.Healthy cells make up the body's tissues grow,divide and replace themselves in an orderly way.This process keeps the body in good repair.Sometimes,however normal cells lose their ability to limit and direct growth.Too much tissue is produced and tumors begins to form.Tumors can be either "benign or malignant".According this article the Benign tumors are not cancer this cells threat to life but it can removed by surgery.Malignant tumors are cancer.It can invade and destroy nearby tissue and organs.Cancer also cells also can spread or metastasize to other parts of our body and form a new tumors.This article tittle is Health by Rudolph Giuliani.
I have read an article How to Became Rich Someday in website -Rich-Someday .Many people want to be rich easily. Of course it’s usually not easy and many quick methods involve a lot of risk because people have different perception of what it means to be rich. In this article, we will define rich as having a fortune higher than $ 1 million!! Firstly, start by investing in your most important asset, your mind, why should you become wealthy? Set your goal….doing well in school and getting an education in a high paying profession such as lawyer, manager project, doctor, economist will give you safe economic position. Then, learn about basic economics such as investment strategies and increase your professional skill, leadership skill, financial skill, and social skill it making you valuable. The very important is stay healthy .This will enable you to work hard and you able to reduce the cost on health care. Secondly, start investing as early as possible with smart investments. Then, start your own business and be smart. Actually, so many steps how to become rich someday and for more details about it you can refer at the web given. In my opinion, many way to became rich and it’s usually not easy to do it because to became rich need effort, goal and vision . NAJMI BTE MD NOR PB08034
Does drinking 8 glasses of water a day improves one’s health? According to the article ‘Water Intake Guidelines Questioned’, written by Kate Melville, the benefits or the bad sides of drinking too much water per day has not really been discovered yet even though further studies and researches have been initiated. From my viewpoint, each individual has to drink more water daily since it does not only quench one’s thirst but also replenishes water which is lost during perspiration. The overall rating which I can give to this web page is 80% as it includes a lot of information and examples which have helped me to further understand the needs of consuming water daily. To know more about this article, just refer to the web page:
Today I want to continue my topic about cancer.Can we avoid cancer risk??.The answer is "YES".By choosing a lifestyle that avoid certain risks.Many cancer are linked to factors that we can control such as:
Tobacco:The use of smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancer,so if you all quit smoking or using smokeless tobacco your risk of developing cancer begins to decrease right away.
Diet:Eating a well balanced reduce the risk of getting cancer.We need to eat more high fiber foods such as fruits grains cereals vegetables and less fatty food.
Alcohol: Drink in a little amount.One or two drinks a day moderate.
There are a lot of ways to preventing the cancer.So for more information go to
How you want to improve your memory? In my experience, when I keep read any notes , automatically I can remember all the points that I had read. There are more ways to improve your memory. According to this article, we also can memorize them into different way such as create the story using them or by sing. Actually,it is depends on that person on how they memorize as long as they can remember it.
Ever wonder why Asians suffer from a lower risk of getting heart failure than most Europeans even though they smoke more often than others? The key to this puzzle is actually the intake of green tea as stated in the article ‘New Theory On Green Tea’s Medicinal Properties’, written by Kate Melville. This explains clearly as most Asians prefer to take green teas daily than any other tea. From my understanding, tea can remove toxins from one’s body if consumed. This will work much better if green tea or Chinese tea is taken. This interesting article can be referred on the web page:
I have read an article the legend of Mahsuri in website Malay legend, she was most beautiful women in all of Langkawi and the wife of Wan Darus,a brave warrior. After her husband had to go to war, leaving mahsuri and this time that mahsuri befriended a young man named Deraman cause mahsuri was accused of adultery by and executed by stabbing. Mahsuri pleaded her innocence, but no one believed her. Before she died ,she had said “for this act injustice Langkawi shall not prosper for seven generations to come’’. As proof of her innocence, some people say, white blood was seen gushing out of her wound during execution.Now a days, her tomb, makam Mahsuri in Langkawi become a tourist attraction on the island. The lyric of this song is very meaningful and touching. I remember the first time I heard this song from the radio, I almost cried. Later, when I surf the net to look for the lyric and sing along, I burst into tears. From this song, I learnt that although someone very important to us have left us, our memories together will always remain in our heart. Even though they’re not physically here, they’re always with us in our heart and mind. It is hard to accept the fact that they have left us without saying bye for the last time, forever. We can do nothing but to pray for them and just remember the good times and hang in there. I love this song very much.
The article I read was about the advice for a teenage daughter. For guys, I think you should have a look on the article too. It’s advises are actually quite general and might be suitable for guys as well. I absolutely agree with things that a teenage daughter should never do in the article. I’ll never forget that my parents love my very much although I’ve grown up and is far away from home now. I’ll try my best to not make them worry about me and try not to make them angry. To me, nothing is more valuable than a family’s warmth and comfort.
Yeah! All of us know that exercise have a lot of benefits, but for most of us, our plan to exercise often get sabotaged by nobody else but our self! Is it the laziness or excuses? It’s all the same; it’s just how we think about exercise. Should I overcome this laziness to exercise inside of me by start jogging with my friends? Well, at least a partner to start exercising with me should help, or maybe I should also stick a note on what exercise can do for me on my table.
Hi,guys today I was thinking about the lucky draw, this is like some fun game at every party and it all about the luck, and now I have found that the game already upgaded to technology level,I have visit one website at moreover I am not agree with the website because we just need to give our details and if we are lucky person we will receive an energised Sri Yantra free of cost,for me This website is only have bad attention, so please be careful. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Do you want to always look young and healthy? It sounds impossible but I am very confident when all of you practice this tips which I found in you can be a very healthy and a young person. I think that every people can be a young person if they keep take care of their health . Others than we take a healthy food, I also want to add that we also should exercise at least 5 minutes per day and always live in happiness. Entertainment is important for everyone to prevent stress and release tension. The most popular entertainment among kids, teenagers, and adults are playing games. There are all kinds of game available on the net. Some games benefits us while having us release our stress. One of all the games that I find it entertaining and at the same time improves my spellings is the Bookworm Adventures. It’s an educational game and it certainly can improve one’s English. However, this doesn’t mean we can play these games without boundary as we may get addicted and might delay our works. So, we should control our self! Not too much of entertainment please! Just remember that we are UMP’s students and are still on our studies! The article on the link above should help me a lot. I think getting everything ready for the next morning at night before going to bed should make my morning routine much better. Well, at least there’s no need to rush through the early morning and keep missing my keys and notes just before heading out. Dear friends, I think the article above is worth a look because it’s quite suitable for university students like us that might have to attend class in the morning but have a packed morning routine. After reading the article, I know that I have always find ways to avoid the things I have to do to reach my goals. I like wasting time doing nothing and delaying my works. What’s the use if I have a dream, but doesn’t have the courage to achieve it by even taking the first step. Arrh … My dream feels so far away from me now. The only way I can start working is when a deadline is approaching - and I’m sure, I am not the only one facing this problem. Well, at least now that I know what my problems are, I’ll try to motivate myself and maybe start trying the don’ts now.
The article I read was about zoo animals sickened by tainted Chinese milk. It’s so sad and disappointing to hear about the tainted milk scandal. How could people get so selfish just to gain money in such way that they even cause 4 infants life, 54,000 people sickened and infants turning up with kidney stones? The tainted food scandal in China keeps expanding and now even animals are sickened. Nations got affected because of this milk scandal just because of some irresponsible people? These people should be executed for what they have caused.
At you can get more information about colour that your like...colour that will you know at the side is red ,orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and favourite colour are, i would like to write the meaning thats you know green are nature colour and it symbolizes are growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Other than that green colour is strong emotional with safety and dark green is also commonly associated with money.Beside that thats are most restful colour for the human eye acually. Some times green colour can use for indicate safety when advertising drugs and medical products.that all i can share with you all about this colour..if you want to enter that the side k...tq want to more information about the wallet you all can coming this website...
hello and good mornng to all my friend.. today i want to shere to all about the wallet..what the wallet???the wallet or billfild is a small,flat case to carry personal iteams such as cash,credit cards and identification documents.such as a drivers lecense.wallets are generally made of leather or fabrics,and they are usually the wallet you all can choose more fesyen designerssuch as most mojar designers including Gucci,Louis Vuitton and Armani offer seasonal and perennail wallet collections of black and brown leather UK ,wallets are made by Mulbery,Radley,Paul Smith,Ted baker,Burberry and Aspinal of the US,designers inlude Guess,Perry Ellis,Kenneth Cole and fossil..that all fo me about the more information you all can search this web...
traditional textiles,songket is impossible to fully unrerstand to beauty and rareness of a songket without witnessing the complex and time-consuming process behind the final product.the term songket is used to describe the technique of weaving additional patterns into a meterial,usually silk or cotton.with their shimmering gold and silver thread contrasting multicolor subtle geometric patterns, songkets are traditionally used for theatrical performances and important ceremonies. They are considered as very luxurious materials which reflect the elegance and delicacy of the fascinating Balinese culture. that all from me....
What do you think about friends?? did you know about friend??... I think friend is who are take care, helpful, happeness, responbility and so own...not easy to get friend like your know friend will be help your if you get a problem or something else..and has friend want to get benefit or something that you have... so i think this friend are not good for friebdship and this will be you get, you should be careful if you want to get a new friend...please try to know more about your friend...don't worry to choose a new friend and tryed to know maybe that will be help you in the future...other than that,you can found more friends but found one friend in your life are very difficult..i will stop here, i hope you will enjoy about my comment...tq
HI, guys I read two different story about life after death. This is the page of website is translated by Nicolas Stoltz I was not so clear with the stories because the story have different situation. But I am a person who believe life after death, moreover I dont agree with this story. THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
Hi, today time management is the important subject in everybody life, in this website we can learn many things and upgrade the time management skills in our life, And I find that this teaching material is really help me. So I hope this also will help you For more details please visit at THANK YOU SIMON PETER CHANDRAN PB08029
5 healthy ways to eat bread
From breakfast biscuits to dinner rolls, bread can mix with any meal and snacks. Usually, we will buy traditional white loaf with some jams as our meal, but after I had read this article, I just know that even white bread also can eat healthy if you try to vary your breakfast breads. For example, we can put some honey wheat, tomato basil, or poppy seed in our white bread. The 5 healthy ways to eat bread is vary your breakfast breads, try a lunch time switch, experiment with dinner breads, Offer fresh-baked bread as a snack substitute for chips or candy, baked bread as a snack substitute for chips or candy and warm soft pretzels crescents wrapped around hot dogs, and fresh home-baked nut roll make additional delicious treats based on bread recipes.
How you can become stress free in seven days
Nowadays, many people stress with their work, social life and so on. Even at home we also will stress. Stress is a mental condition generally brought on by worrying about things you cannot change and feeling overwhelmed by a situation. Fortunately, stress can be eliminated in seven days with the ways that teaching by this article. From this article, I just know that stress could be cover by several easy ways like practice breathing techniques and take care of our body like do more exercise.
Nutritional benefits of apples
“An apple a day keeps doctor away” Normally we will throw out the skin of apple to eat the flesh, but now I just wonder that the most nutritious part of the whole apple is the skin. The apple skin contains 4 miligrams of quercetin, which can prevent cell changes that lead to cancer. Apples also contain soluble fiber, which can help to lower cholesterol and the risk of stroke and heart disease. When we choose the types of apple, we should choose a variety that browns easily, like granny smith.
Choosing sun glasses to fit your face shape
Wearing sun glasses not just can protect our eyes from sun, it also can bring out our style and an all around great fashion accessory. The most important consideration though is our face shape when we want to choose a sun glasses is suit to us. So, we need to recognize what is our face shape look, like oval, square, triangle, inverted triangle, round and diamond. After that, you can find out what sun glasses is suit to you though this link.
Puffy eyes: Treatments and tips for avoiding puffy eyes.
Why we will get puffy eyes? Most of the reason is because lack of sleep and crying. However, there were several methods which can do it at home to help reduce the severity of occurrences of swollen or puffy eyes. For example, we can apply a cold compress to our eyes. The cool temperature helps constrict blood vessels near the eyes. Beside that, we also can cut a slice of cucumber over the eyes for several minutes. Recently, I was lack of sleep because need to rush my assignment and prepare for my presentation. So, I will try to use this method to avoid puffy eyes.
Tips of buying the perfect pair of shoes
The three essential elements involved in buying the perfect pair of shoes are Fit, Quality, and Cost. We must look for the perfect fit when we want to buy a pair of new shoes. There is no use in buying shoes which will pinch your toes and cramp your feet. So we should be patient and take the time to try out the new shoes. Beside that, quality is important when we buy a pair of shoes because a good quality pair of shoes is also more likely to hold their shape without stretching. Finally, cost. We should choose the shoes that we are affordable. Start from now, I think I can find a pair of shoes which is very perfect to me.
Skincare tips for sensitive skin As for me, people with sensitive skin need to know about and use the correct skincare products in order to avoid further skin irritation. We need to read the labels of skincare carefully before we buy anything skincare products. If the label says “gentle” or “for sensitive skin” then is probably a good to buy, but it is good if we could ask a knowledgeable sales assistant. For people with sensitive skin, some sunscreens are so irritating to the skin that people skip this important step. So, we should buy a sunscreen or sunscreen-containing moisturizer to protect our skin.
Teaching children social skills
When children are still small, we need to teach them about the social skills. Teaching them how to behave in public is not an easy job. First, we need to set strict rules about behavior to let them know how they supposed to behave. On the other hand, children have a natural unwillingness to share. So, we need begin teaching our children to share at an early age. Another good way to teach them is to organize events to play with other children. We should teach our children social skills from small so that they will not scare to face with public when they grown up.
Hair loss prevention Nowadays, many people face with the hair loss problem. Most hair lost and baldness is hereditary and there really isn’t any way to prevent it. Hair also could be lost to improper care and damage. So that, proper nutrition is essential to good hair. We should eat well, drink much water and get enough calcium. Getting enough sleep also very important to help our body function properly. So that, we should take good care for our body to stay long against illnesses.
What is prednisolone? Prednisolone is one of the drugs called steroids. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Prednisolone is used to treat many different conditions like allergic disorders and so on. Prednisolone cannot stop suddenly, it should always refer to doctor when you trying to stop the medicine. However, prednisolone also got their side effects like feeling short of breath, and problems with our vision. I do interesting to find the information about prednisolone because I interested on the meditation.
339 soul(s) who dare to be different comments:
It is a fresh start for October posting. I have read an article about "The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle" written by Sandrine Ceustemont. Anyone who likes to travel or simply favours movies like Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones will surely want to read this article. It says that hundreds of ships and planes have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle. Where is this Bermuda Triangle? It is a strech of water in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Bermuda and Puero Rico. I think that the mystery had led to the nickname of Bermuda Triangle by a magazine in 1964. In my point of view, maybe there is a geographical factor that causes the magnetic compass and other instruments in ships and plans to malfunction. So, make sure you plan yor way in to go straight ahead without any turns before you enter the Bermuda Triangle. This article can be obtained at:
‘Are There Really Black Roses?’ is an article which I found on the web page:, written by Ken Austin. There are three types of ‘black roses’ mentioned by the author, namely Black Magic, Black Baccara and Black Beauty. Even though the term ‘black roses’ is commonly used by most people, the real part is that this type of rose does not exists. As a whole, I find this article very interesting and it has actually solved my problem in believing the existence of ‘black roses’. Thanks to the author.
Elizabeth Davidson
Hi,everybody after we have 1 week holidays we gather back.During this festival we have heard many accidents had occurred and we heard many sad story.Road accidents is just a phenomena which might happen to anybody maybe for you also, therefore if this happen to us what should do? This blog provide some guidelines when we involved in accidents
This blog explain how we must be when we involved in accidents step by step this will help us lots, for an example how we should be at accident area.
1. Be calm and do not panic. Neither should you take the law into your hands.
2. Take down the particulars of the vehicles involved in the accident:
a. registration numbers
b. make of the vehilce (year and model)
c. colour
3. Next, take down the particulars of the drive/ passengers/witnesses:
a. Name
b. Address
c. Identity card number
d. Driving licence number
e. Telephone number (work and home)
4. If you have a camera with you, take some photographs of the accident site as well as the vehicles involved. Remember to keep the negatives in a safe place as photographs without their negatives may not be admissible as evidence in court.
This step is important because if we don’t follow this steps we might be cheated by other parties and may be the statements can be manipulated. So follow this steps when involve in accidents.
Thank You
Hi,Good day,
Today I want to share something which is important to everybody of us that is about water.Water is important elements in our daily life without water we can’t perform important process such as cooking,construction,even in our body function, and today I want to share how the water effect on human civilization. Civilization has historically flourished around rivers and major waterways; Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of civilization, was situated between the major rivers Tigris and Euphrates; the ancient society of the Egyptians depended entirely upon the Nile. Large metropolises like Rotterdam, London, Montreal, Paris, New York City, Shanghai, Tokyo, Chicago, and Hong Kong owe their success in part to their easy accessibility via water and the resultant expansion of trade. Islands with safe water ports, like Singapore, have flourished for the same reason. In places such as North Africa and the Middle East, where water is more scarce, access to clean drinking water was and is a major factor in human development. The statements have shown to us that water played important roles from ancients time until now. For more information please log on
Thank You
assalamualaikum and hello..
Today i want to share with you all about the volcano.One hundred and twenty-five years ago,the biggest bang the inhabited world has ever known occurred.Indonesia's Krakatoa volcano erupted.It did so with the force of 13,000 Hiroshima atom bombs,propelled a trillion cubic feet of rock,pumice and ash into air and made a noise loud enough to be heard 1,930 miles away in Perth,Australia.The explosions,fallout and resulting tidal wave (130 ft high in places).This tragedy killed 36,417 people in Java and Sumatra,destroyed 165 villages and towns and two-thirds of the island.Wind streams blew the fine ash as far away New York,sea levels were raised in the English Channel and over the following year,global temperatures were reduced by 1.2C.For more information log on
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
Assalamualaikum and Hello..
Do you know the most poisonous(toxic) frog in the world?.The answer is The Golden poison dart frog.This animal measure around 47mm and one of the largest frogs of the Dendrobatidae family.The adults of this frog species are uniformly golden or pale metallic green in colour.It is one of the 3 species of poison dart frogs which are definitely known to be used for dart poisoning by the Embera Indians of Colombia.One frog may contain up to 1900 micrograms of toxins.These frogs should be considered as potentially dangerous to human if improperly handled even a small fraction of the poison from one of the frogs would be lethal to man if gotten into the bloodstream through an open wound.The skin secretions are also irritating to porous skin and poisonous if ingested.In their reproduction behaviour the golden poison dart frogs are similar to other poison dart frogs.The female lays her eggs on the ground.After the eggs get fertilized the male and the female will both look after them until they hatch.If you all want more information about this unique creature just log on
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
I just read an article about the tips on how to control your urge to smoke. Well, trying to quit smoking is a very lengthy process. Being prepared for the urge to smoke will ensure that you can continue on your path to quit smoking successfully. Smoker should know that smoking is not a good habit and can affect their healthy. My father was also a smoker, but now he is not a smoker anymore after he realized the effect of smoking to his body. In this article, there are 7 tips on how to control your urge to smoke. You can read this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
I just read an article about the sun. Such you all know, sun is very important and we very need sun to life. The sun is a population or heavy element-rich. The formation of the sun may have been triggered by shockwaves from one or more nearbysupernovae. Sunlight is Earth's primary source of energy. This energy can be harnessed via a variety of natural and synthetic processes—photosynthesis by plants captures the energy of sunlight and converts it to chemical form (oxygen and reduced carbon compounds), while direct heating or electrical conversion by solar cells are used by solar power equipment to generate electricity or to do other useful work. The energy stored in petroleum and other fossil fuels was originally converted from sunlight by photosynthesis in the distant past.
This article give more information about sun. So if you all want to know more about sun, can search
assalamualaikum and hello everyone!!!
I have read an article about how to boast self confidence.According this article there are a lot of tips to boast our level self-confidence for an individual to achieve our dreams.The first thing to do when we wants to boost self-confidence is determine one's goals and aspiration in life.We must categorized into degree of achievement.To achieve our goal of boosting self confidence we must seek out the help of friends and relatives who can motivate,encourage and inspire us.Second is find out our true personality.We need to determine one's our strengths and weaknesses then identify ways and means of overcoming weaknesses then further strengthening.But then,in moments of failure the best thing to do is not give up but to rest for a while and back track a little to re-assess everything.Third is find out faults and errors in what we has done,then consider doing corrective actions to re-direct our paths towards our goals.Besides that this article also mention that the key to achieving self-confidence lies on an individual's capability to undermine our strengths and inherent to it.Sooner or later we would not have to fake having the confidence on knowing something because in actuality we really does know something about it.And the moment we knows something we will gains self-confidence about it.The lack of self-confidence is personal problem and its solution start from our self.For further information of this just log on
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
I just read an article entitled “Simple & Easy Money Saving Tips For Frugal Living” written by Christian.
Everybody knows that money is very important in our live especially for the student. As a student we should spend the money wisely. This article provide the tips on how to save and spend the money. If you want to know these tips you can read this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
I just read an article entitled “ 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It “ which is Written by I do not think that most of the people can wake up early in the morning include me. I know that it is not easy to become an early riser. In my opinion, sleep early in the night can help to wake up early in the morning and that is the most important point here. If all of you want to become an early riser you can visit this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
How you want to raise your GPA in your semester? As everybody know that the final exam is coming around. This article which is in provides 7 strategies to raise your GPA in your article. These can be your guideline on how you study. In my opinion, the more important is we should study continuosly as your earlier preparation. So, I hope that all my friends will pass the examination with flying colours.
Siti Halijah Azmi
assalamualaikum, & good morning for all blogger...
i just read an article "Body's Fuel" The main FUEL in our body is Carbohydrate which is stored in muscle and liver in the form of glycogen. If we eat before exercise, automatically we’ll have the extra oomph we need for an energetic and effective workout. The reason is, Carbohydrates will enters our bloodstream in the form of glucose before tucked in muscles and liver. If we have a fair amount of stored glycogen, our body will use the glucose as body’s source energy and spare the glycogen. It’s mean that we have two sources of fuels for body and we can last a lot longer. Something else we should know is that the muscles and liver can store so much glycogen. It’s important to limit our food each day. During night’s sleep, our body depletes as much as 80 percent of the glycogen stored in the liver. Eating before morning’s exercise will not only help depleting our glycogen level, it will also help settle the gastric juices that make our stomach growl and fatigue that can make it difficult to perform well.THANKS...:):):)
Hello everyone,last week I had read a magazine about "Mobile Phone" and it's contain an information of the latest mobile phone in this communication world.
There are a lot of sophisticated and unique design of mobile phone that produced by the biggest company such as Nokia,Motorolla,Sony Ericsson,LG(Life Good) and many more.All these company fight in business way to interact and influence people out there by produced great phone with a lot of function like camera,music,picture and others.
In that case, nowadays peoples are easily to make a choice to buy a mobile phone without any problem because mobile phone is a one way to communicate with someone else.From me, don't waste your money to buy an exclusive phone....Thank you.
From the article ‘Saving Butterflies’ which I found on the internet, I understand that the Monarch butterfly is facing a great danger of extinction since their number is depleting at an alarming rate when they migrate from Mexico throughout the U.S. each year. In my opinion, the article is extremely informative as it informs readers about the problem butterflies are facing and also how to help reduce the decreasing number of these butterflies. So, why not save butterflies by preserving the flora and their natural habitat? This article can be referred on the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
‘Climate Change to Devastate or Destroy Many Penguin Colonies’ is a news article which I found on the internet. This article warns about global warming by just increasing another 2 ºC will wipe out the entire penguin colonies on the Antarctica. Penguins are such adorable mammals and their natural habitat must be preserved from time to time. The purpose of posting such articles on the internet is one of the most effective ways to inform the readers. Society should therefore stop burning their domestic stuff openly as it will worsen the condition. Further information on this article can be obtained on the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
Good morning to everyone, this is my first post for this Oktober. The article i read entitled "Great Advice on Dating" by Ethan Cole. From the article, i found out that we can get advice on dating from anywhere. We can get advice on dating from trustworthy friend or close friend because we have confident in them that they wont betray you. Besides that, there are a lot of online dating sites that give dating advice but it depends on the problems a person facing. Example like forum where people share their advice and opinion together. To find out more. kindly log on
Meng Tuck
Hi,have a good day,
Today I have read about TITANIC.Many of us already know about it and I want to share something that was hotly debated for a number of years,that is tragic sinking of Titanic,by the comments and reports from survivors the ship broke into two sections,this become questions for the people as well as scientists and researchers the question was question was exactly what had occurred to sink the 'unsinkable' Titanic. While there was no doubt regarding the collision with a gigantic iceberg, many wondered how even such an impact could have caused enough damage to result in the rapid sinking of the huge ocean liner.
And recently the researchers have found the answer and proven the report of survivors that was the ship had not sustained one long gash upon impact with the iceberg, as many people has insisted upon for years. Instead, it was much more likely that the ship had sustained several, much smaller, wounds when the iceberg scraped the hull of the ship. Theories now indicate that the rivets intended to hold the hull plates together were unable to withstand the impact and popped upon contact. As a result, the plates buckled and separated. The ship immediately began to take on water and less than three hours later, sank to it final destination on the ocean floor.
The World Wide Web grows at a speed much faster than other’s developments. We can see it everyday being update till we can’t win in this ‘match’. We can find a millions of machine-compiled pages by visiting a SEARCH ENGINE. These engines continuously traverse links on The World Wide Web, adding new documents and deleting those that have been taken offline. There are some steps on searching through millions of web pages.
visit a search engine such Google (
Conduct the search by typing a keyword and click the GOOGLE SEARCH
the result is viewed and you can choose which is matching with you want
Conduct an advanced search by clicking the ‘advanced search’ at Google’s homepage
Type a specific phrase/keyword in the exact phrase box to find the specific phrase and then click the GOOGLE SEARCH button
Gud luck…:):):)
There're some search engines:
i juz read about "how to learn english". the problem in malaysia now is many people can't speak english and tis problem to couse people get job.this is eleven tips for learn english.
a)Speak without Fear
b)Use all of your Resources
c)Surround Yourself with English
d)Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible
E)Watch English Films and Television
F)Listen to English Music
G)Study As Often As Possible!
H)Do Exercises and Take Tests
I)Record Yourself
J)Listen to English
that all.tq
siti hajar
assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera to miss marziah and my friends.
Today i read about tsunami.A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can be devastating due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved.
A tsunami has a much smaller amplitude (wave height) offshore, and a very long wavelength (often hundreds of kilometers long), which is why they generally pass unnoticed at sea, forming only a slight swell usually about 300 mm above the normal sea surface. A tsunami can occur at any state of the tide and even at low tide will still inundate coastal areas if the incoming waves surge high enough.
That all for today,see you later.This informative article can be found at:
Muhammad Farid Bin Abdullah
Assalamualaikum to all
Today i want share with you all about air pollution..Air pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the environment.
Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.
Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone - one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.
Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone..yesterday i have read some article about 'comet'.comet is one of the mystery object from space.comet is the small Solar System body that orbits to the sun,exhibits a visible coma(atmosphere) or a tail.both primarily from the effects of solar radiation upon the comet's nucleus and are composed of rock, dust, water ice, and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.there are many type of comet.for example 'comet Hale-Bopp.comet.helley's the one of famous in the world.Halley's comet is the source of the Orionid shower in October.ok thats all for my comment.thank you.
The article that I read in is about the environmental issues. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in environmental issues. In my opnion, we cannot do anything if people in this world still with their behavior, selfish. As people, we often forged ahead without thinking about what it would do to our planet, and now is the time to make changes before any other problems can come up. There are so many things that we can do to safe our earth but then it is depend on your own.
Siti Halijah Azmi
Ever faced problems relating in trying to change the behaviour of children which are less than 12 years of age? This problem can be explained from the article ‘Learning from Mistakes Only Works after 12, Study Suggests’. According to researchers, 8-year-old children learn things differently compared to 12-year-old children and adults. From my past experience, it was difficult for me to understand why kids are hard to teach especially when trying to teach them from wrong to right. After reading this article, I can now understand how brain works towards different situation at a different age level. This informative article can be referred on the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
Isn’t it nice to have both cat and dog living under one roof peacefully? According to the article ‘Dogs and Cats Can Live in Perfect Harmony in The Home, If Introduced the Right Way’ which I found on the web page has given me an idea of keeping both species without the needs of separating them. This useful information posted on this web page is extremely helpful as it provides information for dogs and cats lovers on how to rare their pets in the same place. As to myself, I’m thinking the same thing too because I really love dogs and cats. I hope that someday I can keep these two species living happily in my house.
Elizabeth Davidson
Are you happy with your life????
For me,happiness is very important.It such a wonderful thing in our life.This because,i believe that when we happy the other people will feel happy too.For me,happiness means appreciate your life and make it to be more interesting and enjoyable.
At this blog,i want to share this topic with you all..
Happiness is an emotion associated with feeling ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy.A variety of philosophical,religious,phsychologycal,and biological approaches have been taken to defining happiness and identifying its sources.
Philosopher and religious thinkers have often defined happiness in terms living in a good life,flourishing rather than simply as an emotion.Happiness in this older sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is this still used in ethic virtue.In eveyday speech today, however, terms such as well being or quality of life are used signify the classical meaning and happiness is reserved for the felt experience or experiences that philosophers historically called pleasure.
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to Miss Marziah and all my friend..
I read just article about drug. A drug, broadly speaking, is any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.
Drugs are usually distinguished from endogenous biochemicals by being introduced from outside the organism.
For example, insulin is a hormone that is synthesized in the body, it is called a hormone when it is synthesized by the pancreas inside the body, but if it is introduced into the body from outside, it is called a drug.
How to win your audience’s attention? Here, there are so many presentation tips which I found this article in Winning the audience’s attention is certainly a big challenge to a public speaker or a presenter regardless of how big or small his audience is and regardless of his or her experience as a public speaker.
With this guide, I hope that all of you can be a good presenter.
Siti Halijah Azmi
assalamualaikum and hello everyone.
Today i want to share a Japanese concept about our blood.The Japanese embraced the idea of matching personality traits with one's blood type.This phenomenon is as popular in Japan.The idea began when some in the west were touting the idea that the asian peoples were more closely related to animals then human or lower on the evolutionary chain,since type B was the predominant blood.Here the idea of personality traits being influenced by blood type remains:
Type O:
People who in this category are outgoing and very social.They are initiators,although they don't finish what they start.Creative and popular,they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.
Type A:
While outwardly calm,they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside.Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups.They can be shy,are conscientious,trustworthy and sensitive.
Type B:
Goal oriented and strong minded,type B's wiil start a tsak and continue it until completed and complete it well.Type B's are the individualists of the blood
group categories and find their on way in life.
Type AB:
Are the split personalities of the blood groups.They can be both outgoing,shy,confident and timid.While responsible,too much responsibility will cause a problem.They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Compatability by blood groups:
A is most compatible with A and AB
B is most compatible with B and AB
AB is most compatible with AB,B,A and O
O is most compatible with O and AB.
So,if you all want to know more details about you own blood and your personality just log on
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
I just read about flood in As everybody that, floods are one of the most common hazards in our world include Malaysia. Flash floods also often have a dangerous wall of roaring water that carries rocks, mud, and other debris and can sweep away most things in its path. So, children should be aware when flood happen. This article also provide on how we want to protect ourselves from flood hazards.
Siti Halijah Azmi
I just read an article about landslide. Landslides are often occur in our country. Landslide problems can be caused by land mismanagement, in areas which burned by forest and many more who cause by human activity. So, people should realize that their activity can make our country in danger. In this article, it is also provide on how to protect ourselves from a landslide or debris flow. you can read this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
In a few days, Indian will celebrate Deepavali Festival. As everybody know that there are many festivals that we celebrate in Malaysia others than Deepavali such as “Hari Raya” and Christmas. Since we live in a country that has different religion and culture, we should respect between each others. The main important is we must have co-operation, understanding and helps with each others so that we can live with peace and harmony. If you want to know more about Deepavali festival, you can read this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
In a few days, Indian will celebrate Deepavali Festival. As everybody know that there are many festivals that we celebrate in Malaysia others than Deepavali such as “Hari Raya” and Christmas. Since we live in a country that has different religion and culture, we should respect between each others. The main important is we must have co-operation, understanding and helps with each others so that we can live with peace and harmony. If you want to know more about Deepavali festival, you can read this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
Assalammualaikum and hello
Today, i want share with you a recipe the most famous thai food,tom yam.Some said it is the best thai food.This food (tom yam ) can be found everywhere in Thailand,from food stalls and top restaurant.This food has a unique hot and sour flavour.To preparation this food,firstly start boiling the water.If you want the taste should be better,use chicken or pork stock.Then,add shrimp (300 grams) into water,wait until it turns red but don’t boil the shrimp too long.It will be tough.After that, add lemon grass,galangal,shallot and kafflir lime leaves.Then,you put the fish sauses and lime juices,add mushroom,chili and you can add more if you like spicy taste .You can refer the ingredients below:
Shrimp 300 grams
Mushroom 100 grams (roughly shop)
Lemon grass 2 stalks (cut into pieces)
Kafflir lime Leaves 2-3 leaves (roughly shop)
Shallot 2-3 (cut into half or crush it)
Galanga 1 tablespoon (roughly shop)
Fish sauce (Nampla) 2 tablespoon
Lime juices 1-2 tablespoons
Chilli 2-3 (you can add more, if you like spicy taste)
Cilantro 1 tablespoon (for dressing)
Water 1 bowl
Many people regard it as a medicinal soup as the herbs that spice the soup are known to have rich medicinal values, but its popularity lies in its exquisite flavour, not its curative properties.For more information,you can refer in website
Do you like vacation or travelling with your family? No need to go to oversea, there are so many wonderful and interesting island in our country.Actually, we can safe our money when we have a vacation in our own country . No need to worry about the food because we can get legitimate food here and the fee for the ticket which is quite expensive. I think that there are more benefits to have a vacation in our own country rather than in oversea.If I have money, I am sure that,I will have my family holiday in Malaysia only . So, if you want to visit and know of our islands in Malaysia you can find this in
Siti Halijah Azmi
Good morning...
Today i had read one article from Daniel Hamermesh. The tittle thats i read is "An Example of Economy work".I get the article at The article writed about one human that get success in their life, obama's are new economic is a good teaching device. I'm very proud about him because he are brave to joined illustrates economic at 1977 and he proposed an income-tax credit of $3,000 for each new job above a company’s current employment level in the next two years. He didn't think to give up or scare if get down in economic work.Today, he get luck and economic that their join give more benefit per dollar of credit is greater with this approach and it is more target-effective. So i believe thats if we doing hard attempt we can get more good revenue in future...with their story i fell get more spirit to attempt my studies....tq..
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
I get another article that i think we will enjoyed to reading it espeacially for the women. this article from Freakonomics and tittle thats article is "Freak Shot: Time to Break Out The Vaipak?". Jeninifer Argo and Kelly Main are suggest in their paper that others in checkout line percive a coupon-user as being cheap and with this they will associating with that person. Acually,i like to get coupons,but I really like getting a free sample better. How about getting a coupon with a free sample attached. This way I can try the product and if I like it I will buy first one at a discount. Who would not like that situation becouse thats takes all of the risk out of buying a new flavor of a product.
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
The article ‘Aloe Vera Myth or Medicine’, written by Dr. Peter Atherton is about the use of Aloe Vera whether it possesses the healing property in curing health problems or the opposite. After reading this article, I realized that even in the olden days Aloe Vera were used as remedies for curing health problems and also as beauty agents. As far as I know, Aloe Vera is quite common among the locals since some of them used this plant regularly in their daily lives. As a whole, I think this article is interesting as it explains about the unique property of this plant and it shows plenty of similarity especially its applications. Further information can be obtained by referring to the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
As we know next weeks,we will doing exibition i would like to share with you all about my part at my group exibition. My group will be present about remote control and my part thats i will present is infrared light emiting diode(LED). First time i get this part i feel this part are difficult but after that i found more article about LED at internet and i think this part are very interesting.I can know how LED work at remote control and it give me more knowledge. LED at remote control use for transmit infrared light as the medium over which command are sent between you and the appliance. So if you want to know more about LED please check at and
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
The article I read was about zoo animals sickened by tainted Chinese milk. It’s so sad and disappointing to hear about the tainted milk scandal. How could people get so selfish just to gain money in such way that they even cause 4 infants life, 54,000 people sickened and infants turning up with kidney stones? The tainted food scandal in China keeps expanding and now even animals are sickened. Nations got affected because of this milk scandal just because of some irresponsible people? These people should be executed for what they have caused.
Ong Shu Ying
Is smoking riskier for woman’s heart than men’s? According to the article, women who smoke will end up with the same terrible diseases as men, at a much earlier age. So why is it all the smoking? Smoking may seem “cool” and “release stress” to some, but does it worth all the diseases? I am sure there are much better solutions than smoking. Men or women should not smoke either. Smoking just doesn’t have a good cause. I think women should not smoke because to me, women look awful with those smoking.
Ong Shu Ying
askum and hello to all my frend and miss marziah.
today i want share about global warming.Global warming is the average meansured temperature of the earth's near air and oceans.
Global warming can be effect the enviroment such as greenhouse effect,temperature changes,economic and effect to human.
the causes of global warming is human activity most of the warming observed since the start of the industrial era.It is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface.
that all thank you.
mohd saifullah b ali
askum and hello..last week i have read about our mosque of Al-Aqsa just we know mosque of Al-Aqsa is the first qiblat of Muslim before it's transfer to Kaabah. but now the mosque of Al-Aqsa is under Jews.. Jews take a advantage to confusing people especially Muslim..they have distibuted the picture of Dome of The Rock as a mosque of Al-Aqsa.. sometimes they sell with a low price and sometimes they give as free to many people.. Jews only have one reason to do this which is to demolish the real mosque of Al-Aqsa. as a Muslim, i think we should know how to differentiate between mosque of Al-Aqsa and Dome of The Rock. we did not to be fool by anyone that can destroy our belief in God.. let's us think about it...
mohd saifullah b ali
askum to all
today i read an artical about water polution.Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants which live in these water bodies.
Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water.
the causes of water pollution is a human throw rubbish in to the river,throw chemicals and substances in to the river and everything.
water pollution can make be effect to the fish and aquatic because water don't enogh oxygen. so water is important to human,fish and aquatic.
mohd saifullah b ali
askum and hello to everyone...
today i read an article about leadership.the world of leadership can refer to:
those entities that perform one or more acts of leading.the ability to effect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission.influencing a group of people to move towards its goal setting or goal achievement.
There are also several types of leadership style such as bureaucratic leader, bureaucratic leader, autocratic leader, democratic leader, transaction leader and so on.
mohd saifullah b ali
Assalamualaikum and hello..
Today i want to share with you all about my best friend in the world.I believe everyone in this world have their own best friend,so do I.My best friend is my 'mother'.I choose her because,she know me very well than others,such as my favorite food,my hobby and so on.Besides that i like to share everything with her about my problem,my studies and the most best thing that i can share with her is about my boyfriend(hehehehehehhe)..My mother always advise me,until sometime i feel why she talking too much but i know she do that for my own goods because she have a lot of experience.I appreciate what she have done for me and i don't know how to pay it but i believe my mother want the best result in my studies and get the high pointer as long as i can even though she never ask me.I miss her a lot and i can't wait to go home.
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
Salam and hello everybody..
I have read an article about history of Japan.This country is my favorite destination.I hope i can go there one day.Japan known as 'Land of the Rising Sun'.Today Japan is one of the world's leaders in the development of new environment-friendly technologies.Besides that this country is the second largest economy in the world after United States.Haneda Airport awarded as the Asia's busiest airport and the largest domestic airport.Well as you all know Japan is one of leading in the fields of scientific research,particularly technology,machinery and biomedical research.Traditionally,Sumo is considered Japan's national sport and the most popular spectator in the sport in this country.Japan's education is very competitive,especially for entrance to institutions of higher education.The most popular and top university they have are University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.Currently ranks Japanese knowledge and skills of 15 years old as the 6th best in the world.Today Japan has plan in space exploration including building a moonbase by 2030.People in this country never give in everything they do and very hardworking.That why this country growing up with fast from other country.Our ex-Prime Minister Tun Dr.Mahathir choose this country as the best example to motivate us to do the best for our own country.That all i want to share with you all about Japan country.
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
From the article ‘Wildlife-Related Motor Vehicle Accident Factors’, I realized that there are actually a lot of causes which lead to the death of wildlife compared to the olden times where such cases rarely occurs. Among the factors stated, most of them are actually due to human activities including forest encroachments, construction and expansions of cities and all sorts. As inhabitants on this planet Earth, we should take notice on this matter and try to curb such problems from further surging. Just imagine if this world left only humans inhabiting without any wildlife due to our own inconsiderate and heedless attitude towards their existence. More information about the causes can be referred on the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
Hi this is my first comment for october. I have read an article "Who am i" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
He always asks his friends the same question ‘Who Am I’ for many days. His friends give many different answers at the different days. He also asks him self does he is tell really what his friends say? He also not sure for it. Finally he just says “Whoever I am, Thou know, 0 God, I am Thins!”
I ask my friends already, I get the same answer with the writer. What ever or what they say actually is not important for us. Always think positively and be happy. How about u? Ask your friends and ask yourself Who actually you are. Get the answer and share it with use..
I have ready an article ‘The Astrologer, Numerologist and Palmist’ by Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma.This is the science of numbers.You can get your own lucky number with your name and your date of birth. This is for the numerology. You also can get your sunsign in this web side. You also can get your marriage compatibility if you want. All service in this web side is free.
Come and see and get your own lucky number know....
Dear classmate....
I know you all get a big problem in mathematics. So I find a web side for who get problem in subject mathematics can refer in the web side. In this web side it will give you some tip for how to face you mathematics perfectly. There also teach you how to solving linear equations.
In this web side also have solving mathematics word problems. Examples addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), division (÷) and so on for the other. I hope what I do is useful for you all.
Hi,good day friends,
today I want to share about financial maybe this tips can help you a lot.What is financial,we can get the definition from that is: concepts of time, money and risk and how they are from this we can know how the time,money and risk be related each other.And Im not agree with the statements given by this website about personal financial,that only giving the question which can be apply for everybody and the website only focusing to rich people not middle or poor people,And I found this website also focusing on global financial management.This website can't help individual person to learn how to manage their finance.
For more details please visit to website at above.
Thank You
Simon Peter Chandrn
Good Day
Today the world is lacking the true love and we are become enemy with our species and we are destroying each other.Moreover people are saying If you have a loving family, a happy marriage that is a great blessing this is one of article which I read today which for its author Claudia Miclaus the true love is only state family and happy marriage for my view this author is selfish because the true love love everybody and it is lacking drasticly and we dont know what will happen to this world in future.For details you can get it from
I just read an article which is about friendship in Well , friendship is very important in our life. This is because friends can give bad or good influence. So, it is important especially for the teenagers to choose the right friends. Then, a true friend will give good advice, even correct a person when he is doing something wrong. Besides that, a true friend will always stay together whether when we are in trouble or in happiness.So, appreciate your friends while he is still beside you.
Siti Halijah Azmi
Do you know that mobile phone can effect our health? According to what I just read in , some scientific research found that, there is a relation between the mobile phone use with the brain tumor. Even though,it is not proof yet but then, we must prevent this from happened. I know that mobile phone is very important in our life but then we should use the phones for short periods and for important reason only.This is important so that you can avoid from any cancers.
Siti Halijah Azmi
assalamualikum n goog morning....
today i want to shere about stress final exam...
you all can feel this stress only 2 week before the real examination..this time you really busy to doing any work...
you have to finish your more assignment.your reading book,your presentation and other you have to your feel stress really big to body really strong can handle this problem but how body can't handle this stress their really easy feel give up..
so the final exam is really important to decide their own the successful is not easy to come...because we must hard working to get the successful is depend to our that all from me..
thank you...
sitihazwani binti othman
Hii everyone...
How about your life today? good or not? i would like to wit you all smething interesthing that i had learned. Did you know about "the good life style"? I will give you more tips how to get good life style...firstly, we must doing some activity thats we can get healthy liked doing joging or gimnasium...doing 5 to 30 minutes per day or doing 3 to 4 day per weeks this will be help you get more energy and health in your life
secondly,about your food that you get must carefully if you get some food everyday especially at cafe ump had more colestrol food. Get more fruit and green vegetable thats will be help your body and mind active to doing some activity that use to think or studies..
Lastly, please found the doctor if you think not good and don't think thats is not serious.
Thats all that i can share with you all if you want to more please entered at internet ok...
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
hello and good afternoon...
today i want to shere about my experience went i join the club "Rakan Muda Wawasan Desa"in kampung Balok,Pahang.this is the first time im join this club..frist i come in kampung Balok i got the new family..this family is really funny n really open minded so were u come this family you feel that you are not the other people but you feel this is like the really your true family.second day,this clup doing more activities to the penduduk kampung like motivation to children who want to take the exam like PMR,SPM and STPM..after that my group doing the gotong-royong with the penduduk kampung to clean the balai raya,mosque and other...and to nihgt we are join the 'malam ria aidilfitri' with penduduk kampung this ceremony more food like laksa,sate,mee goreng and others.. last day,the rakan muda team doing the sukaneka to the family to enjoy and win more i really enjoy join this clup and maybe i want to join again to next time...and i hope to all my friend can join this club because its really enjoy...
that all,thank you..
sitihazwani binti othman
I’m sure that the title ‘What’s A Vampire’ will attract most of the readers’ attention as it has attracted mine. Vampire is actually the ‘un-dead’ form of human being which rises from the grave at night to feed on blood and only returns to it at dawn. From my own understanding, vampires are afraid of garlics and sunlight. True as it is, the information given in this article is just the same as what I know. In addition, the writer which is David Johnson includes that thorns of wild roses are capable in keeping them away too. Even though some people do not believe in vampires, I’m still pondering over the existence of them whether it is just a myth or the opposite. More exciting information about these blood sucking corpses can be found on the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
‘What Are Constellations’ is an interesting article which I found on the web page: The graphics on this article are put up by Motz, Nathanson and Kaufmann. According to this article, constellations are not real. They are only imaginary things which poets and astronomers made up. Constellations are actually used to identify stars basing on their position in the sky. Nothing else is ever concerned other than that. In my point of view, this article shows a great number of examples and it has a lot of information which is sufficient enough to enlighten readers about the constellations.
Elizabeth Davidson
hello everyone.......
today i want comment about the open house in kompleks sukan UMP. the open house aidilfitri start at 10 am my friends and me go to kompleks sukan together..we all use the baju kurung to feel the situation hari raya like kunjung-mengunjung.
went my friend and me until in kompleks sukan we all can feel the hari raya situation.we all site an eat together..more student come to join this ceromany and more student non muslim come to join and feel this situation...i really happy and enjoy this function and my friend and me take the picture to remember the happy moment for i want to give five star to who doing this open house because my friend and me really enjoy...and the foods really delicious and more choice we all can this open house is really truely best..
that all from me..thank you!
sitihazwani binti othman
Hii everyone...
How about your day??? I hope today are good k..This day i would like to share with you guys about camping...wahh!! the sound liked good right..this activity is one most that i like to do know why?..This is because that activity will give me more stronger, knowledge and more experiance...with the camping we can doing more activity like jungle tracking, "walk night", doing flying fock, see more flora and fauna and so on. Thats activity will give me more excited to join it. Acually, with camping we can get new friends and that will be help your to comunication with everyone. Other than that, we can learn moral value like team work, leader, comunication and others. Team work in camp are very importand because with team we can knoe how to doing work together and comunicate with their group. So,today i have give you more about camping..and i hope you will enjoyed about my writing and of couse you all will be learned right.. ok tq
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
assalamualaikum and hello to everyone...
today i want to shere about the woarking mums....
now as u all know the women today really busy and really sucsessful about the work and i really aprieciate the women can do the more work..for example my one day she can do any work like the cook.washing,work at office take care the children and husband and do it the any job in everyday and can not feel tierd or sterss..and just feel cool to handle the more situation really good..diffrient with the dad can not feel the stress him easy to angry and badmood so i really respect my mum and the mum in the world because she can do the any job and handle the more situation really i really love my mum...also my father....because of you i life...thank you mum and dad..
thank you..
sitihazwani binti othman
Do you know more about apple?? thats fruit are good for healty in your life..eating fresh apple is always good for you...because apple has more nutritional benefit liked vitamin A,vitamin C, caicium, iron and protein for yours body. You should be eat at least one fresh applr everyday. Other than that apple will be help you to whole body health benefit like Lower blood cholesterol, diabetes, asthma and all. so thats all that i can tell you about apple if you want to about that please enter at k tq...
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
what the manager???as a student project management i have to know what the mean of manager because insyaallah after the gradute i will be come the i want to shere to all about the what definition about the manager.A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career. A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career.Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises, but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
A manager may have the power to hire or fire employees or to promote them. In larger companies, a manager may only recommends such action to the next level of management. The manager has the authority to change the work assignments of team members.
A manager's title reflects what he/she is responsible for. An Accounting Manager supervises the Accounting function. An Operations Manager is responsible for the operations of the company. The Manager of Design Engineering supervises engineers and support staff engaged in design of a product or service. A Night Manager is responsible for the activities that take place at night. There are many management functions in business and, therefore, many manager titles. Regardless of title, the manager is responsible for planning, directing, monitoring and controlling the people and their work.for example the production manager developed a staffing plan for the the first you must to be the manager u have to know what the real work that manager doing...that all.
thank you..
sitihazwani binti othman
Today i would to share with you all about animal...i had open one blog that thats tittle is "no more dead animal". i'm seeing more picture about animal taht had dead..Thats are very sad.. i don't believe that human will do it also..If you want to know more about animal please in at
At the blog i had learn more about love for animal, we should be take care the animal like open for place animal. So please take care the animal if you not like the animal don't beat them ok...tq
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
Hi guys,today I read about the Burj Dubai, the world's tallest man-made structure is scheduled to be completed in 2009. The tower's dramatic rise above the Gulf horizon will yet again remind the world of Dubai's growing financial muscle and allow the buyers and holidaymakers to stay and carry on with their exciting lives in amazing fashions. The gigantic tower is located at the core of an integrated township called, Downtown Burj Dubai, which features several more developments apart from
the main tower. And question developmt is only for certain people like rich people?because this development is cansider is the most biggest in the world so how about Dubai poor people?
Hi guys,today I read about the Burj Dubai, the world's tallest man-made structure is scheduled to be completed in 2009. The tower's dramatic rise above the Gulf horizon will yet again remind the world of Dubai's growing financial muscle and allow the buyers and holidaymakers to stay and carry on with their exciting lives in amazing fashions. The gigantic tower is located at the core of an integrated township called, Downtown Burj Dubai, which features several more developments apart from
the main tower. And question developmt is only for certain people like rich people?because this development is cansider is the most biggest in the world so how about Dubai poor people?For more details you can get it from
Hi friends,today monopoly become one of favourite game to everybody. Monopoly was invented by Charles B. Darrow during the Depression in the 1934 and at first it was rejected by Parker Brothers due to \"52 design errors\"! Streets in Monopoly are taken from Atlantic City, New Jersey. Game was very popular in Cuba until Fidel Castro took power and burned all the Monopoly sets. Standard Monopoly bank starts with $15,140 and it is estimated that Monopoly has been sold 250 million times through out the world.For more details please visit to http//
Dear friends,today I was reading about ALBERT EINSTEIN,as we all know he was a briliant man, when Einstein was five, his father showed him a pocket compass. Einstein realized that there must be something in the space, previously thought to be empty,that was moving the needle and later stated that this experience made "a deep and lasting impression".From this passage I want to give a comments that if the Einstien can think differently that other kids while his age was 5 how about us?think about it.For more details please visit to
Dear friends do you know about benefits about noni fruit or noni juice? For that please visit to in this site the writer cannot give rue details whether the fruit is toxic or not and I am not agree with him.
Good evening guys.
Let me share some informations with u all. I wan to share with u "IPOD" from wikipedia. What you guys know about ipod? It is a portable media players that designed by Apple Inc. There are few types of iPod such as ipod shuffle, ipod touch, ipod classic and many more. As i know, ipod can play several of audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF and many more. It also can support video formats like Mpeg-4 AVC. Image formats like JPEG, PNG and TIFF. In my opinion, ipod is a great gadget for those who always travel because while we traveling, we can use this gadget to listen songs, play games and view images. Besides that, it can also store a lof of songs, images and files because there are 16GB, 32GB and so on. Not only that, we also can surf the net on ipod anywhere with the place that has internet connection or wireless. For more infomations, kindly log on
Meng Tuck
What are your favourite types of cat?this website www. types of can give you more information about types of cat and you can more learn about cat you like such as tabby cats ,tuxedo cats, black cats, calico cats, tortoiseshell cats ,silver cats, Siamese cats and so on .for more details information about types of cat ,you can refer that web given. This article nice to share all things about cat and it has several picture types of cat to give you know it.
hello everybody..
i read about the most popular artist in us. that is a britney spears..she is one singer have many controversy over the influence of her public image on teenage girl. she have talent in singing but couse the gossip she down rigt now.although the britney spears sex symbol but she is have ranked as the eight best selling female recording artist in the us.that means she is one glamor atist in us.
i hope in malaysia dont have singer like that.
thats all.tq
siti hajar
Pearson Higher Education is one of the world great publisher especially book for students. It brands is Addison-Wesley, Allyn&Bacon, Benjamin Cummings, Longman, Merill and Prentice Hall. Besides that, Pearson provides quality education solution in all available media, learning spectrum from college and career training through graduate studies and professional training, and development.Everything they publish from text book, to website, to multimedia programs help student learn and achieve success.Student also can learn in the different way such as through CourseSmart, eTextbook and VangoNotes. So, Pearson Higher Education can improve students learning, understanding and grades through online or textbook. For more information about Pearson please visit and for professional resources, visit all from me thank you.
Health and safety work at work is very important that every employer should aware about this. I think that the employee and employers should cooperate with each other for their goodness. In my opinion, the employer should provide and make sure that the work place is always in good condition. While for the employees, they should know and follow all the rules in their work place. There is no points if the employees did not follow the rules, because the accident still can happen. I find this article in
Siti Halijah Azmi
Why is landscaping important? That was the article that I had read just now in In this article, the reason why others do it to their own homes are to make the property look unique and to increase the property's value. I love landscaping. In my opinion, landscaping is good for our health. It can also release my stressing and make me feel calm. It does not a matter whether the price for landscaping is quite expensive, as long as I am satisfied with it. If I have my own house, I will do the landscaping .
Siti Halijah Azmi
Good morning...
According to the doctor, Panadol will reside in the body for at least 5 years. If take Panadol too much need to wash kidney(Dialysis) every month.So remember dont take Panadol if not really need too.
So remember Panadol is a pain killer!!!
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera..
Today i want to share about technical English activities along this month.I'm happy that the product exhibition presentation is over.When my group has done the presentation i felt my burden on my shoulder gone.I'm worry that i can't do the best for my group,but my group member give support to me..thank you to all my member group (Soh Meng Tuck,Siti Hajar and Hasrul).This activity improve my confidence level especially talk in English in front of people,eventhough i refer my text during the presentation(hehehehehhe).I will never forgot this activity because we have a lot of memory.But so sad that we are not going to be your(Miss Marziah) student for the next semester.So at the beginning of November we have final exam,so good luck to all my friend.. do the the best!!!!!!!!!!!.
PB 08053
Nurul Azean
Dear friends,do you know what is paracetamol?It is a painkiller. It can also lower a raised temperature (fever).In this article I have found that the paracetamol can gradually poison our kidney.But in this website I could not find any of details about the amount that can effect our kidney,for me this only not a clear facts and I am not agree with it.For more details please visit to
Dear friends,Today I was reading about agriculture is a business at internet at was thinking our country should adapt this method because I read that skills is important in agricultural business,for me our country still not have this kind of training,but only ask our people to involved in agriculture business,so why not we focus on farmer families in upgrade the skills in them.
Good Morning guys,today we have achieve lot in technology and I was wonder how is the future technology?And I noticefied that future technology will be focus more on robotics especially on human robotics,I am strongly not agree with it because it can effect human being majority and authority if the human robots is increase,and it will create problem to us or maybe one day they will reign on us or crazy people will use it to obtain power of ruling the world.
For more details please visit to
DEAR FRIENDS,do you know what is Brain machine interfaces (BMIs)? it is activity in the brain to be sent to, or received from, a computer. Some BMIs use sensors mounted in a removable cap or MRI technology to read signals from the brain. Others connect directly to the surface of the brain, through tiny wires and an array of micro-electrodes. BMIs can also be entirely implanted in the brain.And this can help paralyzed patients communicate, control robotic arms, computers and other devices. In the future, BMIs could provide a path to brain enhancement and memory upload/download.And agree with this technology because it is use full for our community.For more details please visit to
HI,Guys do you know what is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is the science of the small; the very small. It is the use and manipulation of matter at a tiny scale. At this size, atoms and molecules work differently, and provide a variety of surprising and interesting uses.And what is nanotechnology impacts? First on Social divide, effect of widening the divide between the rich and the poor, or more specifically the developed and developing world.In my comments this social gap can be avoid if we share this technology one and another.
Hi,communication has already changed dramatically day by days. Communication in the future could be quite different than it is today. Recent advancements in 3D imaging and scanning technologies are making your "virtual presence" a real possibility.And I am agree with this website statements because this tieten the relationship between people from all over the world.
For more information you can get it form
GUYS,the world have be facing the crisis on fuel,imagine one day the fuel already finish?Therefore the scientists already found the solution that is vehicles will use high tech electronics to assist drivers in a wide variety of ways. Vehicles will communicate with each other, with the road and with traffic signals. Autos and trucks of the future will use vision enhancement devices to help you navigate through bad weather and warn you of a possible collision with a pedestrian or animal. They will also let you know if you are getting drowsy or straying from your lane. Cars of the future will be radically different than the automobiles of today, and so will the driving experience.
And I am stronly agree with this technology will reduce the pollution and save the fuel which is getting to lost.
Hi,there did you know about the renewable energy sources? renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Solar energy can be used directly for heating and lighting, for generating electricity and a variety of commercial and industrial uses.
This energy is very cheap and natural and we not need to depend on chemicals.For more details please visit to
I was thinking about the future of medicine and I found that breakthroughs will build from the incredible progress made in nanotechnology, biotechnology, computers, the information learned from deciphering the human genome and other scientific and technical areas.Therefore this upcoming technology will identified the sickness on patients and will help the doctor to find the solve as quick as can.Find more details on
Dear friends few days from now Indian community will celebrate Deepavali,I hope we will celebrate festival of light together,there are many types of preparation,and now I wants to mention one of particular preparation which is important in this festival that is dressing,I was interested with one of article written by MEERA VIJAYAN
the star writer,the title is Mughal’ outfit a big hit,now the latest fashion is Anarkali suit made popular by the big-budget Bollywood movie Jodhaa Akbar.I hope this festival will bring hapiness to our Indian friends by this new design of dress will make them look beautiful and happy
For more detail we can get it from
An article from The Star Online, '50,000 contract workers to be laid off, says Cuepacs' written by Sim Leoi Leoi intrigues me. I have been a contract employee before but for private sector instead of PSD, whereby, contract employees do not enjoy the perks of permanent staff and yet performed the same tasks. I earned RM50 per day compared to other permanent staff earning more than RM2k and receiving bonuses, MC leave and day offs, yet I'm performing the same tasks like them. It was certainly beneficial to the company as budget are saved rather than employing more permanent staff. I think I understand how the affected workers feel, but I think that they whom are mostly lazy Malays should not rely too much on government. This article can be found at:
HI guys today I have read one article at by P.Gunasegaran about freedom of media at our country the title is 'Freedom with responsibility' I agree with the author because if the freedom be use wrongly it will create problem such as race fighting,Therefore the reporter or writer should have responsible in protect our country peace.
In the article 'Every six in 10 people inactive' taken from The Star Online, Health Minister said the government's many promotion to get people to lead a healthy lifestyle, has not worked. I seriously think that the government is so stupid to think spending on medias and campaigns would actually worked from the beginning. In my point of view, the whole education system must be restructured so that students are not burdened to spend most of the time in their life to score in the exam oriented culture. If this is not done, students will grow into unhealthy adults facing obesity, hypertension, etc even though they have a degree or master. It is like a proverb 'study first, put aside health'. This article can be obtained at:
'Ex-Deputy Vice-Chancellor under probe over illegal contract extension' written by Lourdes Charles is an article which I found myself astound. How can a highly educated professor with a PhD on that position be involved with corruption? This is unbelievable. I hope the same thing will not happen in UMP. This article can be obtained at:
Hi,friends today world situation give us the sign that the war world 3 will start soon.Today I was reading a article written by Dr. Michael Rathford at the author give the time for the war at 2009 to 2012.And I am agree with him because from my personal view I have found that this war will happen soon so we have to prepare for the time coming.
I have read about an article on 'Abdullah:Ong must let me know what he wants'. In my point of view after reading the whole article, I think that whatever political party that Malaysians choose during the next general election, the government will never be able to stop the current worrying corruption happening in all levels of politics and PSD. Majority of the current politicians in this country are corrupted and don't know how to handle the nation wisely as all they do is quarreling between parties and also inside the parties itself for personal purposes. This article can be obtained at:
Here is an interesting article. It is 'Rules of the game have changed' written by Wong Chun Wai. The government has to face the harsh reality that it no longer has control over media technology. In my point of view, being a politician in Malaysia nowadays is mentally challenging. Politicians must be careful on every single words that come out from their mouths because one controversial word will cause internet bloggers to criticize them. I also believe that most irresponsible bloggers are rude, aggressive and always talk about sensitive issues. This article can be obtained at:
I have read a book Family by Adrian Wilson.
He write this book because he want to provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of the family.
Family is very important to us, when we are in the grow up process.
So we also as a member of the Family we have to love our family and help them when they got problem. Family is the person who very love you and would not leave you alone anytime. Try to forgive them if they already do something is very hurt you heart .,M1
'Passion comes a-calling' is a very interesting article written by Sarah Chew. In my point of view, I have not seen any of my friends or ex-colleagues whose ambition or career is as unusual as being a clown, a wine taster, a good chauffeur, or a pet groomer. Most of them want to be engineers, managers, teachers and scientists. It's nice to hear that a clown can earn RM2k-RM3k per month if work for companies on a contract basis. One pair of clown shoes you can only get from United States can cost up to RM2k. Haha. Well, I'm not daring enough to be a clown. This article can be found at:
A week ago, I went to East Cost Mall in Kuantan and there is an exhibition that I initially thought that it was an insurance exhibition until I found out an article about 'Exhibition on HIV/AIDS draws big crowds in Kuantan' written by Simon Khoo. In my point of view, I really pity the HIV society because a lot of them inherited that virus since birth and they were brought up as orphans discriminated by working firms. Not only that, they can only love and get married to the same society as them, and then have a child who brings their virus as well. So sad. This article can be obtained at:
I have read an article on 'KTM implements new queuing scheme for passengers' written by Stuart Michael. In my point of view, as I often used this service before I enter UMP, I think this scheme is a good improvement of KTM's services. I only hope KTM next time will provide longer trains during busy hours though. Also, it would be nice if the underground station in KL Sentral is equipped with air-con because the air gets stuffy during a crowd. This article can be obtained at:
The last article that will cover my October postings is 'Residents ask for more patrols' written by K.kasturi Dewi. In my point of view, the residents must practice neighbourhood values to prevent break-in crimes rather than asking for more patrols, though I still agree on that demand. However, knowing your whole neighbourhood takes a lot of effort and city people are too busy with earning money and spending their own time. All these factors create opportunities for robbers to break-in and steal. This article can be obtained at:
A book that i have read wrote by Marilyn Wann. The name of the book is Fat! So!Because You Don't have to Apologize for your size.
She had a bad memory when she was going out for dating.She boy friends was embarrassed to introduce she to friends because she fat. Did you have the same experience for case like this? For the guy are you also think fat is embarrass? So all the fat person have to diets because fat embarrass?
That is wrong! Fat person have to diets because the healty. If too fat it will become Diabetes.
So help you friend to diets for healty if they are really fat.,M1
7 secretly healthy foods that we eat is really healthy for us? I ready the new at Chew on this, the 7 food that we eat is eggs, white potatoes, pizza, beef, sugary cereals, canned fruits and vegetables and oysters. Accoding to this news they say some of the food realy got the bad rap. So we have to know what food is really good for us. I dont want to tell you more at here try to ready yourself and you will know how bad rap for the food you eat everyday.
ready the news at:
I have read an article by Monique N.Gilbert ,B.Sc about Reduce Stress and Strengthen Your Immune System : 10 Natural Way to Relax and Rejuvenate. Do you know when stress compromises our immune function ,it can result in cold, flu ,fatigue , cardiovascular. Stress increase heart rate, blood pressure, glucose level, adrenaline cortical, free radical and oxidative damage .Protecting the immune system is a vital part of living longer, feeling younger, and being healthy .Here are ten natural healthy way to reduce stress:
1.walking and physical activity like dancing ,gardening, cycling , swimming
Regular exercise and physical activity strengthen your immune system,cardiovascular system,heart, muscles and bones. and stretching
Yoga improve muscle strengthen ,flexibility, range of motion , balance, breathing ,blood circulation, and calmness. Stretching also reduce metal and physical stress,tension,promotes good sleep, lower blood pressure .
3.Hand hygiene
Washing your hand with soap and water as soon as you come home and always before you eat ,greatly reduce your exposure to bacterial and viral infections. in case you cannot wash with soap and water when you are away from home, carry some alcohol based hand wipes with you control microbial exposure.
4.Laugher and humor
There is truth to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. It reduces stress hormones and benefits your immune system .
5. High nutrient diet
Eat foods in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E , omega 3 fatty acids and foliate .it is helpful in preventing and controlling high cholesterol ,hypertension, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes depression.
Listening to your favorite music is a great method of reducing stress.
get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Remember rest and relaxation go hand in hand. Long-term sleep loss can also result in heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression, and anxiety.
8.positive thinking
finding the good in what life throws your way and looking at the bright side of things enhances your ability to effectively manage stress.
Regularly drinking tea throughout the day can help strengthen your immune system and your body's ability to fight off germs and infections. Both green and black teas contain a beneficial amino acid called L-theanine, which can increase the infection fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells. L-theanine also promotes a sense of relaxation, calmness and well-being by influencing the release and concentration of neurotransmitters (like dopamine, serotonin and GABA) in the brain.
Relaxing in a hot bath relieves sore muscles and joints, reduces stress and tension, and promotes a good night's sleep. Add some soothing music, soft lighting and scented bubble bath/bath foam to create an inexpensive and convenient spa experience in the privacy of your own home.
To get you started, try this delicious and nutritious recipe by Monique. It's high in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Banana strawberry power smoothie
1 frozen ripe banana
1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup soymilk
2 tablespoons canned pumpkin
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
1 tablespoon honey
Blend in a food processor or blender for 1-2 minutes, until smooth and creamy.
Makes about 2-3/4 cups (2 servings)
So, to make always your happy ,see the positive in all situation and accept yourself either bad or not. For more information please visit
assalamuaikum and selamat sejahtera everyone..
today i read about what is the difference thing about women and men.all women like go shoppinh.although there are not buy somthing but just look and see all thing in the shopping complex can make the women happy.
but for men there are doesn't like go to shopping complex.there are most likely go to place for sport like field and many palce sport.that is difference thing about women and men.
assalamuaikum everyone..
i read about telephone.the telephone is the one thing very important to everyone.don't matter children and adults all people need telephone.but sometimes have people to use telephone for many thing unbenefit like make lewd movie.after that the movie disseminate in internet and all people.that is not good for children..that all.tq
siti hajar
Good evening Miss Marziah and my fellow friends. My title entitle "10 Reasons You're Not Getting Promoted" by Tag and Catherine Goulet,
This article is about the factors someone cant be promoted in their working life. One of them is "you have enemies". I support the author in this point because when you have enemies in your work, comfirmly it will bring a lot of problems and hard times for you.
Besides that, the second point is "you are a slacker". U wont get to promote if u are a slacker that always come late, go back early and dint finish a task on time? Any company want this kind of employee? The answer is NO so if u wan find out more about it, please log on>1=23000&cbRecursionCnt=1&cbsid=17b47514b9a44a46b271884c3be177b5-278159923-VN-4
Meng Tuck
assalamuaikum everyone..
i read about queen squash in the world rigt now,that is nicole david.she born in penang at august 26,1983.she is championship in all competition she join.all people in malaysia very proud with the nicol a people live in malaysia,we must make nicol david as idol an make something for country.thats all.tq
siti hajar
I have read an article color therapy by Dr.Greenfield. Color affects mood and emotions. Color therapy uses this sensitivity to identify and correct any imbalance in the body’s. It leads to emotional or physical ill health. Each organ and body system has its own characteristic vibration energy and disorders can be healed by applying color of the corresponding vibration energy, either to the whole body or organ concerned. Red color can be used for cold, poor circulation, anemia, and mucus ailment. Blue color is cooling to the body system. It also can reduce high blood ,asthma, chicken pox, jaundice and rheumatism. Yellow useful treatment of most headaches and digestive problem .Besides,pink color can be used for treating skin conditions. Actually many color can be used for treatment therapy and for more information about therapy color and how to use it you can refer in website www. Color Therapy Holistic
assalamuaikum everyone..
the doll is very popular in world right now is barbie doll.the barbie doll have a story before famous.the full name for barbie's doll is barbara millicent roberts and that is the name for daughter make the barbie doll.
all children especially women like play with barbie doll and price for barbie doll is verry expensive compare for many doll.barbie doll have pretty women and long hair.for more information about barbie doll you can look in web site
siti hajar
My second article entitle "How To Save On Holiday Travel" by By Francesca Levy, on
When we go on holiday, that doesnt mean we have to spend a lot of money. There are many ways to save when on holiday travel such as buy tickets early. I am agree with the author point because if we buy tickets early, we can buy the tickets at low price with promotion too. Normally we should buy the tickets as early as 6months before the flight. Not only that, we can also save money on "green savings". It means we can save by saving all the small cost of something that is not important to us such as taking public transports instant of driving. It can save money on petrols and many more.
Meng Tuck
Chocolate...Chocolate is my favourite...
I have ready and article about chocolate. The article say Chocolate is a psychoactive food. I think so because the chocolate can make a person happy.Chocolate have many type like black chocolate, white chocolate and chocolate milk.
But do not eat too much chocolate it will make you fat. Except the black chocolate because it is made form the original chocolate.
Good morning. The article i read entitled "How To Stop Snoring" by Malega Michael on
This article is about the way to stop snoring. Do you guys know what is snoring? Snoring is the noise that is created by the soft palate and other tissues of the mouth, the nose and the throat which is caused by the fractional obstruction of the airway. One of the ways is stop smoking because it can help to reduce noise and strength of snoring. Improve sleeping posture also important because if you sleeping on your back it will worsen snoring problems. Snoring is not good for health because it makes a lot of noise and make your person beside you cant have a good sleep. In this article, there are a lot of ways to solve snoring problems.
Meng Tuck
I have found another wed side for calculate you star, you birthday in Chinese calendar and Islamic calendar.
This calculate also help you calculate about your life path compatibility, how many years old are you, how many day leave will be your next birthday. Still got many think you can look inside the wed side.
The name of the wed side is Birthday Calculator. Is mean just using your birthday to calculate all the thing that they can calculate for.
Got to find out your self in..
The article entitled "Fight Asthma with Fruit, Fish, and Fresh Air" by Mary Coyle. Vitamin C in fruits and omega-3 fatty acids in fish are actually known to improve the function of the heart and lungs. To preventing asthma through an improved diet, it is important to avoid triggers in the air that may bring on attacks because because indoor air is actually two to ten times more polluted than that outdoors. healthful diet including fruit and fish can actually reverse the symptoms of asthma. As inflammation of the airways is reduced and constriction is prevented through consuming omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C. For more informations, please log on
Thank you.
Meng Tuck
I hate smoker! For who are the smoker better you ready this! I try to help you smoker. I have ready an article for helping you to stop smoking. The title for the article is “Steps to Help You Break The Habit”. Why I say smoker have to ready because smoking got the immediate reason to stop and also got long term reason to stop.
The steps to help you break the habit is
•Get ready.
•Get support and encouragement.
•Learn how to handle stress and the urge to smoke.
•Get medication and use it correctly.
•Be prepared for relapse.
•Keep trying
But the describe for all the step you have to ready on yourself.
hai everyone...
good mornig to all my friend and i read article about "Love".Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction . This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.if you want to know more about love you can look in wikipedia.thats all.tq
siti hajar
i read about tv3 in wikipedia.tv3 was incorporated in 1983 as Malaysia’s first commercial television station. It is part of Media Prima group of tv3 is one important channel in malaysia and the programme in tv3 suitable for all communities in malaysia.that all,tq
siti hajar
Hey is coming soon.So what you all plan? Sleep at home? Go to work? about we go to travel? Come on join me and my family go to Taiwan!! As i know that the best think at Taiwan is eat and shopping! So the best place for shopping and eating is at Taipei.
The famous shopping complex is Taipei 101 shopping complex. you can see the shopping complex at:
For malay do not worry i also find somethink for you all..
Where can find halal food in Taipei? Can you find some in the night ...
Kunming Islamic Restaurant No 26, Lane 81, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan 02) 2751-6776 is inexpensive and nice. Open weekdays from 11:30 - 21:30..So not need to worry about that.
Did you like fashion? I very like it.. I want to become a fashion designer but my mother did allow me. So I continue study by taking accounting course when I form 4. So I always online to search all the latest fashion and look for their design. This is what I can do now. The magazine that I look online got many think will introduce to you. For the fashion design will got many type of matching clothe and the latest design.
The wed side for magazine :
This is the wed side for fashion design, but if you really want to open this wed side please make sure you have to open mind.
Hi guys. How are you all doing lately? Examinations left 1week more. The article i read entitled " 6 Personal Growth Happiness Tips". There are six points to grow happiness in life such as relaxation, self-esteem, community, pray, identity and imagination. One of the points is relaxation. After a long day of work or weeks of work, we need a time for us to relax and release tension. We also need time to have a good sleep to recover from being too tired. Another point is community. Community is a group of people where we work together and live with. We can know more people from different kind of background that is different with us. We should be happy to make people around us to be happy to. When we happy, people will happy and the work we done is going to be good.
To find out more, kindly log on
Meng Tuck
HI,my beloved friends. Today I was reading about benefits of internet, and I found that there are lots of benefits in using the internet like the describition on this one website I have visit is at and I noticed that the use of internet is really give benefits to us. So for more details please visit to this following website.
My second post for today entitled " Importance of Marriage to Society" by Jameswlsh on
From marriage there are many benefits to a couple such as living together where two person tie the knot and setu p a home of their own that they live under the same house. They accompany each other all the times and talk to each other when they want or lonely and share problems together.
Financial security is the benefits to a couple where the couple salary accumulated together, they will have more money to buy more comfortable and expensive house to stay in. They will more afordable to buy things that they cant buy when they are individual. Third benefits is emotional support. From this point, they can support and help each other when one of them is down or sad. They can always encourage and comfort the one is sad or angry. There are a lot of benefits, why dont you guys have a look at it? Thank you.
Meng Tuck
Guys what you think about 'End Of The World'? I have read one article at I hope you guys will have take this oppurtunity to read about it, This page most on prophecies by same of people, and some of them happen but I like to say end of the date cannot by will of man but by will of divine power of Almight god.And I hope my friends don't believe this page and believe that end of world is there.
"Women and the Effects of Divorce"
by Jameswalsh. This article is about women and the effects of divorce they are facing. After divorce, women usually very emotional and takes longer time to recover from divorce. Even divorce, they still care and worry bout their family and other professional commintments towards family. After divorce, women normally does better than men in life and entrepreneurs because they learn from mistakes. Besides that, after divorce they can find a better person and more understanding person to be with them. For more information about divorce, log on
Meng Tuck
I read an article entitled "How Men Usually Find Women" by David DeAngelo at
This article is about how men find women for all kind of purpose such as to be friend or to meet new friends. I m agree with the author article because many man like to visit places where females gather such as in a club on ladies night where mens will go to take this advantage. Men also will attend yoga class where there mostly a lot of women. It is not an easy task to find or meet a women because you need to decide what kind of women that you want or suitable with you, need to approach and engage them and many more. I can said that men are desperate for women in this modern society.
Meng Tuck
My article entitled "Having an STD friendship" by Scott21 and Paraday21.
Many people out there seems worry to have friends that is positive to STD because they scare they might be the one who also infected with the diseases. Frankly speaking, i will also worry if my friend is infected with STD because i might get infected if i dint take care of myself well or dint take the precautions when mixing with them. If you have STD and your partner also have STD, you can get married and have babies because 98% your children wont infected by STD but will stay healthy. Conclusion, if you are infected with STD dont hide away from the society because there are milions of people are same as you that is in the same boat as u. Dont be afraid, believe in God. Log on for more informations.
Meng Tuck
I just read an article entitled " Workers Compensation" by Ian Hass at
As we know that accident can happen to anyone eat any time without warning. It can be a serious accident or a minorr accident. As a result, workers compensation is for the workers who injured while they performing their task in working place or working. They can get compensation for medical expenses and lost wages from the company because it is our right to get it for what we had suffer for our company.
Meng Tuck
Good evening. I continue my comments on article after dinner. My article entitled "Main causes of hair loss" by Meena chauhan. Hair loss happens to everyone no matter young, old, teenagers, childeren or women. Hair loss doesnt mean its gone forever, it might be an illness that make it to lose excessive amounts of hair. For you guys informations, women will also face hair loss during or after pregnancy because of hormone. Besides that, perm hair also can damage hair and cause permanent hair loss. Want to find out more? Kindly log on
Thank you.
Meng Tuck
Assalamualaikum and hello to Miss Marziah and my friend..
I have read an article that the tittle is Science and Health.This article have a lot of information including our earth.According this article the scientist mention that our earth circling the Sun at an average distance of 93 million miles.Our Earth is the fifth largest planet and the third from the Sun.Earth completes one rotation on its axis every 23 hour,56 minutes and 4.09 seconds.It orbits the Sun ta speed of 67000 mph,making one revolution in 365 days,5 hours,48 minutes and 45.51 seconds.Earth has a diameter of 7,927 mi at the equator and a few miles less at the poles.It has an estimated mass of about 6.6sextillion tons,with an average density of 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter.Earth's surface area encompasses 196,949,970 sq mi of which about three-fourths is water.
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
assalamualaikum and good evening to all my friend..
today i want to shere about the what i learn alone in UMP around 4 month.i try to independent from without my family behind me...first time it's really difficult to do this because really feel homesick i miss my mom,dad and my family..everyday i just feel to go back my when i feel comfortable the new place and remember again i must to fight this like the challenge to give my family my successful..because my family really hope i can give their are the success..and i really hope that i can really to achieve family dream..insyaAllah..
that all from me..
thank you
sitihazwani binti othman
assalamualaikum and holla
Today i want to share a little bit information about our blood.Blood pressure is the most dangerous diseases and silent killer.Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries.Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers-the systolic pressure (as the heart beats)Normal blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg Systolic and less than 80 Hg Diastolic.So we need to care about our health.Take the food with right quantity.Follow the pyramid of food that suggested.Taking various of food influent our health.So take care your health by doing exercise and care of your food.For more information go to http;//
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
Assalamualaikum and hello everyone...
I have read an article that the tittle is 'If You Need to Lose Weight'.Many people are not sure how much weight they should lose.Weight loss of only 5-10 percent of body weight may improve many of the problems with overweight such as high blood pressure and diabetes.Even a smaller loss can make a difference.So if you all want to lose your weight do so slowly and steadily.Extreme approaches to weight loss,such as self-induce vomiting or the use of laxatives,amphetamines or diuretics are not appropriate and can be dangerous to our health.There are a lot exercise to lose our weight with slowly and safe such as:
1) walking briskly
2) jogging
3) cycling
4) swimming
5) fishing
6) canoeing leisurely
7) Dancing
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
Assalamualaikum and hello to all my friend
What is Cancer?Do You have idea about this question?.Cancer is really group of diseases.There are more than 100 different types of cancer,but they all are a disease of some of the body's cells.Healthy cells make up the body's tissues grow,divide and replace themselves in an orderly way.This process keeps the body in good repair.Sometimes,however normal cells lose their ability to limit and direct growth.Too much tissue is produced and tumors begins to form.Tumors can be either "benign or malignant".According this article the Benign tumors are not cancer this cells threat to life but it can removed by surgery.Malignant tumors are cancer.It can invade and destroy nearby tissue and organs.Cancer also cells also can spread or metastasize to other parts of our body and form a new tumors.This article tittle is Health by Rudolph Giuliani.
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
I have read an article How to Became Rich Someday in website -Rich-Someday .Many people want to be rich easily. Of course it’s usually not easy and many quick methods involve a lot of risk because people have different perception of what it means to be rich. In this article, we will define rich as having a fortune higher than $ 1 million!! Firstly, start by investing in your most important asset, your mind, why should you become wealthy? Set your goal….doing well in school and getting an education in a high paying profession such as lawyer, manager project, doctor, economist will give you safe economic position. Then, learn about basic economics such as investment strategies and increase your professional skill, leadership skill, financial skill, and social skill it making you valuable. The very important is stay healthy .This will enable you to work hard and you able to reduce the cost on health care. Secondly, start investing as early as possible with smart investments. Then, start your own business and be smart. Actually, so many steps how to become rich someday and for more details about it you can refer at the web given. In my opinion, many way to became rich and it’s usually not easy to do it because to became rich need effort, goal and vision .
Does drinking 8 glasses of water a day improves one’s health? According to the article ‘Water Intake Guidelines Questioned’, written by Kate Melville, the benefits or the bad sides of drinking too much water per day has not really been discovered yet even though further studies and researches have been initiated. From my viewpoint, each individual has to drink more water daily since it does not only quench one’s thirst but also replenishes water which is lost during perspiration. The overall rating which I can give to this web page is 80% as it includes a lot of information and examples which have helped me to further understand the needs of consuming water daily. To know more about this article, just refer to the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
Assalamualaikum and hello!!
Today I want to continue my topic about cancer.Can we avoid cancer risk??.The answer is "YES".By choosing a lifestyle that avoid certain risks.Many cancer are linked to factors that we can control such as:
Tobacco:The use of smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancer,so if you all quit smoking or using smokeless tobacco your risk of developing cancer begins to decrease right away.
Diet:Eating a well balanced reduce the risk of getting cancer.We need to eat more high fiber foods such as fruits grains cereals vegetables and less fatty food.
Alcohol: Drink in a little amount.One or two drinks a day moderate.
There are a lot of ways to preventing the cancer.So for more information go to
Nurul Azean
PB 08053
How you want to improve your memory? In my experience, when I keep read any notes , automatically I can remember all the points that I had read. There are more ways to improve your memory. According to this article, we also can memorize them into different way such as create the story using them or by sing. Actually,it is depends on that person on how they memorize as long as they can remember it.
Siti Halijah Azmi
Ever wonder why Asians suffer from a lower risk of getting heart failure than most Europeans even though they smoke more often than others? The key to this puzzle is actually the intake of green tea as stated in the article ‘New Theory On Green Tea’s Medicinal Properties’, written by Kate Melville. This explains clearly as most Asians prefer to take green teas daily than any other tea. From my understanding, tea can remove toxins from one’s body if consumed. This will work much better if green tea or Chinese tea is taken. This interesting article can be referred on the web page:
Elizabeth Davidson
I have read an article the legend of Mahsuri in website Malay legend, she was most beautiful women in all of Langkawi and the wife of Wan Darus,a brave warrior. After her husband had to go to war, leaving mahsuri and this time that mahsuri befriended a young man named Deraman cause mahsuri was accused of adultery by and executed by stabbing. Mahsuri pleaded her innocence, but no one believed her. Before she died ,she had said “for this act injustice Langkawi shall not prosper for seven generations to come’’. As proof of her innocence, some people say, white blood was seen gushing out of her wound during execution.Now a days, her tomb, makam Mahsuri in Langkawi become a tourist attraction on the island.
The lyric of this song is very meaningful and touching. I remember the first time I heard this song from the radio, I almost cried. Later, when I surf the net to look for the lyric and sing along, I burst into tears. From this song, I learnt that although someone very important to us have left us, our memories together will always remain in our heart. Even though they’re not physically here, they’re always with us in our heart and mind. It is hard to accept the fact that they have left us without saying bye for the last time, forever. We can do nothing but to pray for them and just remember the good times and hang in there. I love this song very much.
The article I read was about the advice for a teenage daughter. For guys, I think you should have a look on the article too. It’s advises are actually quite general and might be suitable for guys as well. I absolutely agree with things that a teenage daughter should never do in the article. I’ll never forget that my parents love my very much although I’ve grown up and is far away from home now. I’ll try my best to not make them worry about me and try not to make them angry. To me, nothing is more valuable than a family’s warmth and comfort.
Ong Shu Ying
Yeah! All of us know that exercise have a lot of benefits, but for most of us, our plan to exercise often get sabotaged by nobody else but our self! Is it the laziness or excuses? It’s all the same; it’s just how we think about exercise. Should I overcome this laziness to exercise inside of me by start jogging with my friends? Well, at least a partner to start exercising with me should help, or maybe I should also stick a note on what exercise can do for me on my table.
Ong Shu Ying
Hi,guys today I was thinking about the lucky draw, this is like some fun game at every party and it all about the luck, and now I have found that the game already upgaded to technology level,I have visit one website at moreover I am not agree with the website because we just need to give our details and if we are lucky person we will receive an energised Sri Yantra free of cost,for me This website is only have bad attention, so please be careful.
Assalamualaikum …………
Do you want to always look young and healthy? It sounds impossible but I am very confident when all of you practice this tips which I found in you can be a very healthy and a young person. I think that every people can be a young person if they keep take care of their health . Others than we take a healthy food, I also want to add that we also should exercise at least 5 minutes per day and always live in happiness.
Siti Halijah Azmi
Entertainment is important for everyone to prevent stress and release tension. The most popular entertainment among kids, teenagers, and adults are playing games. There are all kinds of game available on the net. Some games benefits us while having us release our stress. One of all the games that I find it entertaining and at the same time improves my spellings is the Bookworm Adventures. It’s an educational game and it certainly can improve one’s English. However, this doesn’t mean we can play these games without boundary as we may get addicted and might delay our works. So, we should control our self! Not too much of entertainment please! Just remember that we are UMP’s students and are still on our studies!
Ong Shu Ying
The article on the link above should help me a lot. I think getting everything ready for the next morning at night before going to bed should make my morning routine much better. Well, at least there’s no need to rush through the early morning and keep missing my keys and notes just before heading out. Dear friends, I think the article above is worth a look because it’s quite suitable for university students like us that might have to attend class in the morning but have a packed morning routine.
Ong Shu Ying
After reading the article, I know that I have always find ways to avoid the things I have to do to reach my goals. I like wasting time doing nothing and delaying my works.
What’s the use if I have a dream, but doesn’t have the courage to achieve it by even taking the first step. Arrh … My dream feels so far away from me now.
The only way I can start working is when a deadline is approaching - and I’m sure, I am not the only one facing this problem. Well, at least now that I know what my problems are, I’ll try to motivate myself and maybe start trying the don’ts now.
The article I read was about zoo animals sickened by tainted Chinese milk. It’s so sad and disappointing to hear about the tainted milk scandal. How could people get so selfish just to gain money in such way that they even cause 4 infants life, 54,000 people sickened and infants turning up with kidney stones? The tainted food scandal in China keeps expanding and now even animals are sickened. Nations got affected because of this milk scandal just because of some irresponsible people? These people should be executed for what they have caused.
Ong Shu Ying
At you can get more information about colour that your like...colour that will you know at the side is red ,orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and favourite colour are, i would like to write the meaning thats you know green are nature colour and it symbolizes are growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Other than that green colour is strong emotional with safety and dark green is also commonly associated with money.Beside that thats are most restful colour for the human eye acually. Some times green colour can use for indicate safety when advertising drugs and medical products.that all i can share with you all about this colour..if you want to enter that the side k...tq
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
PB08017 want to more information about the wallet you all can coming this website...
hello and good mornng to all my friend..
today i want to shere to all about the wallet..what the wallet???the wallet or billfild is a small,flat case to carry personal iteams such as cash,credit cards and identification documents.such as a drivers lecense.wallets are generally made of leather or fabrics,and they are usually the wallet you all can choose more fesyen designerssuch as most mojar designers including Gucci,Louis Vuitton and Armani offer seasonal and perennail wallet collections of black and brown leather UK ,wallets are made by Mulbery,Radley,Paul Smith,Ted baker,Burberry and Aspinal of the US,designers inlude Guess,Perry Ellis,Kenneth Cole and fossil..that all fo me about the more information you all can search this web...
thank you..
traditional textiles,songket is impossible to fully unrerstand to beauty and rareness of a songket without witnessing the complex and time-consuming process behind the final product.the term songket is used to describe the technique of weaving additional patterns into a meterial,usually silk or cotton.with their shimmering gold and silver thread contrasting multicolor subtle geometric patterns, songkets are traditionally used for theatrical performances and important ceremonies. They are considered as very luxurious materials which reflect the elegance and delicacy of the fascinating Balinese culture.
that all from me....
thank you..
What do you think about friends?? did you know about friend??...
I think friend is who are take care, helpful, happeness, responbility and so own...not easy to get friend like your know friend will be help your if you get a problem or something else..and has friend want to get benefit or something that you have... so i think this friend are not good for friebdship and this will be you get, you should be careful if you want to get a new friend...please try to know more about your friend...don't worry to choose a new friend and tryed to know maybe that will be help you in the future...other than that,you can found more friends but found one friend in your life are very difficult..i will stop here, i hope you will enjoy about my comment...tq
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
HI, guys I read two different story about life after death. This is the page of website is translated by Nicolas Stoltz I was not so clear with the stories because the story have different situation. But I am a person who believe life after death, moreover I dont agree with this story.
Hi, today time management is the important subject in everybody life, in this website we can learn many things and upgrade the time management skills in our life, And I find that this teaching material is really help me. So I hope this also will help you
For more details please visit at
5 healthy ways to eat bread
From breakfast biscuits to dinner rolls, bread can mix with any meal and snacks. Usually, we will buy traditional white loaf with some jams as our meal, but after I had read this article, I just know that even white bread also can eat healthy if you try to vary your breakfast breads. For example, we can put some honey wheat, tomato basil, or poppy seed in our white bread. The 5 healthy ways to eat bread is vary your breakfast breads, try a lunch time switch, experiment with dinner breads, Offer fresh-baked bread as a snack substitute for chips or candy, baked bread as a snack substitute for chips or candy and warm soft pretzels crescents wrapped around hot dogs, and fresh home-baked nut roll make additional delicious treats based on bread recipes.
Yong Yin Zhi
How you can become stress free in seven days
Nowadays, many people stress with their work, social life and so on. Even at home we also will stress. Stress is a mental condition generally brought on by worrying about things you cannot change and feeling overwhelmed by a situation. Fortunately, stress can be eliminated in seven days with the ways that teaching by this article. From this article, I just know that stress could be cover by several easy ways like practice breathing techniques and take care of our body like do more exercise.
Yong Yin Zhi
Nutritional benefits of apples
“An apple a day keeps doctor away” Normally we will throw out the skin of apple to eat the flesh, but now I just wonder that the most nutritious part of the whole apple is the skin. The apple skin contains 4 miligrams of quercetin, which can prevent cell changes that lead to cancer. Apples also contain soluble fiber, which can help to lower cholesterol and the risk of stroke and heart disease. When we choose the types of apple, we should choose a variety that browns easily, like granny smith.
Yong Yin Zhi
Choosing sun glasses to fit your face shape
Wearing sun glasses not just can protect our eyes from sun, it also can bring out our style and an all around great fashion accessory. The most important consideration though is our face shape when we want to choose a sun glasses is suit to us. So, we need to recognize what is our face shape look, like oval, square, triangle, inverted triangle, round and diamond. After that, you can find out what sun glasses is suit to you though this link.
Yong Yin Zhi
Puffy eyes: Treatments and tips for avoiding puffy eyes.
Why we will get puffy eyes? Most of the reason is because lack of sleep and crying. However, there were several methods which can do it at home to help reduce the severity of occurrences of swollen or puffy eyes. For example, we can apply a cold compress to our eyes. The cool temperature helps constrict blood vessels near the eyes. Beside that, we also can cut a slice of cucumber over the eyes for several minutes. Recently, I was lack of sleep because need to rush my assignment and prepare for my presentation. So, I will try to use this method to avoid puffy eyes.
Yong Yin Zhi
Tips of buying the perfect pair of shoes
The three essential elements involved in buying the perfect pair of shoes are Fit, Quality, and Cost. We must look for the perfect fit when we want to buy a pair of new shoes. There is no use in buying shoes which will pinch your toes and cramp your feet. So we should be patient and take the time to try out the new shoes. Beside that, quality is important when we buy a pair of shoes because a good quality pair of shoes is also more likely to hold their shape without stretching. Finally, cost. We should choose the shoes that we are affordable. Start from now, I think I can find a pair of shoes which is very perfect to me.
Yong Yin Zhi
Skincare tips for sensitive skin
As for me, people with sensitive skin need to know about and use the correct skincare products in order to avoid further skin irritation. We need to read the labels of skincare carefully before we buy anything skincare products. If the label says “gentle” or “for sensitive skin” then is probably a good to buy, but it is good if we could ask a knowledgeable sales assistant. For people with sensitive skin, some sunscreens are so irritating to the skin that people skip this important step. So, we should buy a sunscreen or sunscreen-containing moisturizer to protect our skin.
Yong Yin Zhi
Teaching children social skills
When children are still small, we need to teach them about the social skills. Teaching them how to behave in public is not an easy job. First, we need to set strict rules about behavior to let them know how they supposed to behave. On the other hand, children have a natural unwillingness to share. So, we need begin teaching our children to share at an early age. Another good way to teach them is to organize events to play with other children. We should teach our children social skills from small so that they will not scare to face with public when they grown up.
Yong Yin Zhi
Hair loss prevention
Nowadays, many people face with the hair loss problem. Most hair lost and baldness is hereditary and there really isn’t any way to prevent it. Hair also could be lost to improper care and damage. So that, proper nutrition is essential to good hair. We should eat well, drink much water and get enough calcium. Getting enough sleep also very important to help our body function properly. So that, we should take good care for our body to stay long against illnesses.
Yong Yin Zhi
What is prednisolone? Prednisolone is one of the drugs called steroids. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Prednisolone is used to treat many different conditions like allergic disorders and so on. Prednisolone cannot stop suddenly, it should always refer to doctor when you trying to stop the medicine. However, prednisolone also got their side effects like feeling short of breath, and problems with our vision. I do interesting to find the information about prednisolone because I interested on the meditation.
Yong Yin Zhi
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