Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blogging for January and February: First submission

My dear students from sections A12, C14, E01 and M01,

Please be informed that the dateline for the first submission of your blogging (January and February) is on 28th February.

You are required to print out all your comments (January and February) and submit the printed copies to my room BEFORE or by 4.30 p.m., 10/3/2009 (Tuesday. Do take note any comment posted after 28th February would only be considered for Final Submission(March and April).

To submit:

1) Using Microsoft Word, create a table like the following picture(Click to view the picture).

2) Go to the blog entry where you have posted your comments. Example: “My
Readings:January (M01)”.

3) Copy all your comments in that particular entry and paste it in the table
(refer the sample below.

4) Submit to Miss Marziah BEFORE or by 4.30 p.m., 10/3/2009 (Tuesday).

Thank you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Readings: February (A12)

My Readings: February (C14)

My Readings: February (E01)

My Readings: February (M01)