Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blogging for January and February: First submission

My dear students from sections A12, C14, E01 and M01,

Please be informed that the dateline for the first submission of your blogging (January and February) is on 28th February.

You are required to print out all your comments (January and February) and submit the printed copies to my room BEFORE or by 4.30 p.m., 10/3/2009 (Tuesday. Do take note any comment posted after 28th February would only be considered for Final Submission(March and April).

To submit:

1) Using Microsoft Word, create a table like the following picture(Click to view the picture).

2) Go to the blog entry where you have posted your comments. Example: “My
Readings:January (M01)”.

3) Copy all your comments in that particular entry and paste it in the table
(refer the sample below.

4) Submit to Miss Marziah BEFORE or by 4.30 p.m., 10/3/2009 (Tuesday).

Thank you.

4 soul(s) who dare to be different comments:

Anonymous said...


Diabetes is a growing problem in this country. With our
population at an all time high in weight gain and a low in
health care, the problem is only growing.

Diabetes is a disease of the metabolism. Our metabolism is
what the way our bodies use digested food for energy and

Most food that is processed through our bodies is broken
down by digestive juices into a sugar called glucose.
Glucose is the fuel our bodies run on.

When we eat, and our food is processed, the pancreas is
supposed to produce the right amount of glucose from our
blood automatically and release the right amount of insulin
into our blood.

In people with diabetes, little to no insulin is produced
or the body’s cells don’t respond correctly to the insulin
that is produced. Therefore the glucose builds up and
overflows into the urine and passes out of the body.

This is how the body loses its main source of fuel even
though the bloodstream contains good amounts of the natural

There are three types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and
gestational diabetes. People who have type 1 are known as

Muhamad Hafizzan Bin Muhamad Zaidi

Unknown said...

fizan.. wrong post.. lol~

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum and hi everybody,

What Is Love?

What is the one emotion that has everyone mystified? What is the one emotion that has started as many wars as it has ended? What emotion has had more plays, songs, and stories written about it than anything else? Love, that one emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. So many legends surround this emotion and one of the most famous is Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Love comes in so many different levels, that it doesn't appear to be the same emotion at all, but it is. There is so much to love, that it will be hard to put into this simple essay. It can tear people apart and make us do irrational things to bringing together entire nations. What can this emotion not do? It's hard to tell, but there is a lot it can.

This emotion, bring tears to our eyes when something happens to our family members, friends, and pets. When we feel love ripped from us, as in death or being spurned by another, we do things we wouldn't normally do, such as go on violent rampages, or mourn to the extent that our loved ones have to watch us constantly to make sure we don't try anything like suicide. Some can move on, always remembering the lost loved one after a while, but others cannot let go. These are the ones that need our love and support the most.

There are so many levels to love but I will only express a two of them here. These are the ones we see most in life. Friendship starts this list off. Yes, it doesn't seem like it, but we do feel love towards our friends, this is what helps us get along so well, and why we miss them when we don't see our friends for a long time. It's also why we hold certain friends over others no matter what happens. Sometimes, the bond between friends deepens to the point where a stronger bond of love is made, making them family.

Another level of love, are for our siblings and other family members. Even though we do bad things to family member, it does not change a fact that we have a blood relation between us. Staying aboard and away from family makes our love stronger. Family love is the most important thing to us in this life. Who would help you if you in grave danger and who would listen to you when you have problem? Of course it is our family member. Losing one family member is like losing our own life. It is hard to forget and is not easy to going away. In this case, family member must unite and always taking care of each other emotion.

There is a lot more of levels that I have not listed yet but love is unlimited. Love is all over the place and it is our responsibility to look after them. I really do love my friends and for me, family comes first. Hopefully people will understand what is loved and never wasted it.


Guru said...

Fizan, Meor was right.Do not post here.Go to "My readings: February (A12)" to post your comment.

Yes, Nizam. You too.

From your teacher,
Miss Marziah binti Ramli.